Chapter 28

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I'm just sad. The kind of sad that leaves you with no energy. The kind of sad that makes you want to crawl into bed and never wake up. The kind of sad that overwhelms you so that talking or moving or even smiling is painful. The kind of sad that you can feel it in your heart. It's just sadness.

"Aria, I didn't realise it was you who I picked that night. Bryan also threatened me not to tell you or else he'd post these photos online..." he explained.

I closed my eyes and cried softly, clutching his phone tightly. Something inside of me flipped, causing me to go insane at this precise moment. I tremble to the side, my head spinning at the prospect of him posting it everywhere. I look over at Jay, not as I used to, but as if I don't know who he is anymore.

As I continued to look at the images on my phone, I parted my lips, my throat throbbing. Tears began to form in my eyes as they swelled. I couldn't say anything because I was in so much pain.

" Aria, don't think that I'd think differently of you because I'm fine with whatever happened between you and Bryan," he said, sighing heavily and trying to sound perfectly fine.

But you're exacerbating the situation.

You are to blame for my painful nightmares.

I scrunched up my nose and swallowed hard, raising my green eyes to his and looking him down. "You know nothing..." As I spoke, my voice was throaty and dry.

He lowers his brows and looks at me unsteadily. " I am aware-"

" YOU KNOW NOTHING," I yelled as I stormed towards him, pointing my index finger at his chest.

I took a deep breath through my nose and locked my gaze on him."You..." I mumbled, my gaze darting back and forth at his.

I went on."You're the reason why I have trust issues with boys..." I said this as a tear fell from my eye.

I scrunched my brows and scrunched my face before tightly gripping his shirt. "You're the reason I can't let anyone else touch me!" I screamed and punched him in the chest as he shuffled back.

As I continued to punch at his chest, I groaned softly and painfully, shedding more tears. The more I hit, the harder the punches became. I smacked him in the chest, and it quickly escalated into harder slaps, slapping him across the face and everywhere. He grabs my hands and shoves them to the side, causing me to tremble and fall to the ground. I cried quietly, my back to the bed.

"Tell me what's wrong instead of attacking me," he grumbled, adjusting his shirt and positioning himself in front of me.

As I sobbed, I cracked a smile and showed my teeth. Frustration, anger, and sadness are all present.

I suddenly felt obliged to murder him.

I scrunched my hair and laughed myself insane."You have no fucken idea..." I said, laughing in between tears streaming down my cheeks.

I sniffed my wet nose and looked up at him, noticing his perplexed expression. I frowned and slowly stood up, now directly in front of him.

"I didn't fuck Bryan," I said, my heart racing and my face turning red.

My lips tremble, and I close my eyes to take a breath. I reopened my eyes and returned his stare. "He didn't fuck me, he fucked my body," I said, shaking my head and watching his hazel green eyes widen as he realized what I meant.

I quickly put my thumb to my mouth and was about to bite it when I came to a halt. I returned his gaze with a soft gasp. I leaned to one side, pointing my arm back at the bed to show him.

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