Chapter 4

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Yes, hello, I'd like a refund on my body. It's kinda defective and really expensive.

It's now 3 p.m. on a Saturday, and Hailey has still not returned. I'm starting to worry about her. I hope she's okay and not being treated badly. Who am I kidding, the way he treated me that night, he'll treat everyone the same way.

The door unexpectedly opens, and I drop what I was doing, which was reading a classic Harry Potter book. Hearing Hailey's footsteps approaching, I flopped the book down on the chair and stood up.

"Hailey?" I called out to her as I stood there waiting for her to come to me. She didn't respond, and her footsteps faded as she ran up the stairs.

What the hell happened?

I dashed after her, up the stairs and towards her bedroom door. I reached for the doorknob and attempted to unlock it, but it was locked.

She locked it.

"What's the matter, Hailey?" I asked, pounding on her door.

"Go away," she yelled back, and my heart began to pound.

Something else happened.

"You know I'm not going to leave you alone until you tell me what happened."

" Aria, just leave me alone!!" She yells at me. I raised my brows as I heard her trashing her already cluttered room. I sighed softly and turned away from the door, biting my thumb.

You remember how I said she's obsessed and insane?

What I haven't told you is that when she becomes obsessed with someone, she loses control.

I dashed down the stairs and into our father's office, where he usually keeps all of the important documents, such as spare keys to our rooms.

Don't bother asking....

I grabbed her spare room key and dashed back up the stairs to her room.

"Calm down, Hailey!" I screamed at her before inserting the key into the keyhole and unlocking her room. I walked in and immediately froze. Noticing her destroying her room as she trashes things.

Her bed sheets were yanked to the floor, her makeup vanity chair was turned upside down, and her shoes and clothes were strewn about. I widened my eyes and took a deep breath, looking over at her as she stood near her bed, holding her sheets in her hands.

She sighs deeply and closes her eyes, beginning to cry.

I furrow my brows and rush over to her, wrapping my hand around her. I continued to comfort her despite her flinching away from my touch.

She begins to sob and tears fall from her eyes. "I love him so much," she exclaimed, sobbing. I avert my gaze, frowning slightly.

Dylan? How could anyone love someone like him?

I swallowed and continued to listen to her while soothing her back. "I do everything he asks, and he just doesn't seem to like me back," she says, turning around to take a seat on her bed. I scratch my nose and take a seat.

I lick my lips as I consider what to say. "What makes you think that?" When I asked, she chuckled slightly and sniffed her nose.

She turned to face me but kept her eyes on the ground, saying, "During the entire day, he did not acknowledge me once." Her nose was pink from crying, and she had smudged mascara under her eyes. "He was preoccupied with thoughts of someone else. It's so obvious that he is seeing another person "She cried out after explaining and scrunching her face.

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