Chapter 9

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Hello everyone, I just wanted to thank you for reading, liking, and voting for my story. I'd also like to thank you for the 1,000 followers; I know it's not much, but it means a lot to me.
I'm extremely grateful, so thank you.

I've also changed the cover of the book; what do you think?


Type 1

Most people don't think diabetes is very serious. Until it hits them.

He then looks up into my green eyes, intensely staring at me. He reached his hand into my ponytail and lightly touched my hair between his fingers."I want you to do whatever I tell you."

Ladies and gentlemen, this is an exact example of how I just fucked myself over.

You may be wondering, Aria why not just say no to asswipe?

You are right.

I would, but it's a little difficult. I can't say no because I need him to be with Hailey.

Hailey, you are literally a pain in my ass.

So, this is what actually occurred.

Before crossing my arms, I pursed my lips and flicked his hand away from my hair. I gave him a sidelong glance and raised an eyebrow."What made you change your mind?"I questioned of him.

"Don't worry about that. So, are we doing this?"He asked, his eyes squinting and his lips forming a devilish smirk.

"Just get back with my sister, and we won't have a problem," I told him, and he shrugged his shoulders, smiling to himself. I was about to leave when he pushed his hand forward, wanting to shake on it.

I laughed at his antics as I rolled my eyes. I paused to clear my throat before taking his hand and shaking it. I quickly withdrew my hand and wiped the palm of my hand on my vest. I gave him one final look before turning around and leaving.

" Slave!"

I stopped dead in my tracks, clutching my books to my chest as my green eyes began to enlarge. I became frozen in place when I saw people looking at me and asswipe oddly.

He didn't just say that to me.

My eyes twitched as I slowly spun around to look at his face. He smirks, pleased with my reaction. He clears his throat, frowns slightly, and motions for me to approach with his index finger. I didn't follow and continued to stare at him, stunned.

He sighs heavily and rolls his eyes. He takes off his bag and suspends it in midair by the strap. "Hold my bag," he said, waiting for me to take it.

I scoffed and shook my head at his immature behavior. I approached him slowly and stopped when I was close enough. I look up at his bag before returning my gaze to his dark brown eyes.

" Excuse me. I'm not carrying your stupid bag" He shrugged his shoulders as I spoke.

"Then I'm not going back to your sister," he said, trying to aggravate me once more.

"We shook on it, and there's no turning back," I told him, and he looked around with a tougher expression on his face.

"You told me you'd do anything I said," he said, and I closed my eyes for a split second before reopening them.

I opened my mouth to speak, but he spoke first. "So, I'm ordering you to carry my bag," he said, lowering his hand and holding his bag up to my face.

"You're going to pay for this," I hissed as I yanked his bag away from him. I sighed angrily and clutched his bag with one hand, my hatred eyes on him.

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