Chapter 13

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Dylan's pov

I turned around and saw them standing near my car. Jay had his hands on her head, saying something to her before pushing her against his chest and hugging her. She appears frail, and her hands slowly creep behind his back and encircle him.

My eyes twitched away, and I felt a strange sensation all over my body.

I started walking towards them, Jay leaning away from her and turning his head to look at me. He notices my approach and says something to her, causing her to nod and walk over to my car, which is parked nearby.

Jay sighs heavily and turns to face me as he walks over halfway. "What happened inside?" He questioned, his gaze returning to her and then to me.

"Did she explain what happened?" I asked if she said it so I wouldn't have to explain it to him again.

He shook his head. "She didn't, and I'm concerned for her. What the fuck happened to her neck?" He asked, staring me down, wanting to know the whole story.

I sighed softly, shifting my gaze to her and noticing her hugging herself in front of my car. Her gaze was fixed on the ground, still reeling from what had happened.

"Look, I'm going to tell you everything. But for the time being, I'm going to take her to the police station and report him "I said this while nodding to myself.

Jay looks at me with wide eyes, as if he wasn't expecting such a response. "The police station? What, I'll come with you? "He expressed his desire to join us and leave his house party.

Why is it that he is always drawn to her?

I rest my hand on his shoulder, preventing him from moving. "I'll take her, and you should stay here. It's your house party, and you should be there in case something goes wrong "I told him, and he made a strange face because he remembered he was hosting a house party.

He lets out a long sigh and rolls his eyes.

His hazel green eyes scan the area before turning to face her. He exhales heavily and returns my gaze. "Take good care of her," he said sternly, wanting me to make sure I did.

"I will," I stated.

"Dylan, I'm serious," he said, not expecting me to be serious, but I was.

I was about to say something when he cut me off. "I care about her," he said, which caused me to lose my smile.

I sighed heavily, my hands in my pockets, and gave him a faint smile.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of her," I said genuinely. He looks into my eyes, wondering if I'm telling the truth.

He calms down and smiles at me after looking into my severe eyes. "Text me if anything happens," he said as he walked away and returned to his house.

I turn around, noticing that she is still in the same position. I started walking towards her, her eyes still glued to the ground, sensing my approach as she became uneasy. I approached her and stood close but kept a safe distance.

Her swollen eyes looks up and she turns around, looking for someone. It was obvious who it was.

"What happened to Jay?" She asked, her voice raspy and weak, not looking at me.

"He went back to his house," I replied, and she frowned, a tear escaping her eyes because she didn't like what I said.

"No, h-he said he was going to take me back home," she wept softly, wiping her wet nose against her sleeves.

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