Chapter 20

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A/N Sorry for the long wait. Wishing everybody a Happy New Year! May it be filled with new adventures and good fortunes.

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Jay dropped me off at home after school and informed me that he would pick me up later tonight for the game/party event.

I'm unsure of it. I no longer want to go.

I opened my front door and entered. As I looked around, I saw that my mother was wearing her nurse uniform. She halts and turns to face me while holding her bag on her arm and maintaining a blank expression. lacking in words to say to me.

" Aria, honey....I'm going to work, and your father is at home," she said as I took a step back from her.

She frowns as she notices my distant demeanor. "What's the matter?" She questioned.

I kept staring at her and inhaled deeply through my nose. "You're the one who told dad to apologize to me, right?" I said, and she relaxes her facial features, as she's the one who told him.

She breathed out loud. She looked away and rubbed the side of her face as she uttered, "It was what he had to do."

"He should apologize when he knows that he was in the wrong." I told her, and she returned my stare while remaining silent.

I carried on. " Is he what, five? following the mother's orders. You are his wife, not his mother "I said, scowling at this conversation and feeling irritated.

"You're absolutely right," she said softly, walking closer to me.

She went on. "I have to go, but I'll be home earlier today," she said, smiling as she opened the door and looked back at me.

She went on. "Don't disrupt your father, he's on a very important phone call with his work," she said, and I raised an eyebrow as she walked out, closing the door behind her.

I turned my tongue around in my mouth as I cast a quick glance over at my father's study room. I approached it slowly and stopped close to it. I shook my head and put my hands on my hips.

Because your job is more crucial than your family. Smh

I shook my head at the idea and scoffed. I whirl around and turn to face the stairs. As I was about to climb, I heard him laughing out loud. Never before have I heard him laugh like this. It had a sincere, humorous tone. As if he were back in high school, laughing with his friends.

I gripped the stairwell handrail and slowly turned my body to face the study room. I wrinkled my brows, wondering who he was on the phone with.

I carefully descended the stairwell and made my way over to the study room without making a sound. I put my fingers near my mouth and nervously played with my lips. My ears were fixed on the conversation.

"How about you send me some of your naughty pictures?" I widened my eyes as he chuckled. When he said that, my heart dropped.

What the heck?

The thought that appeared in my head began to enrage me. Thoughts I never want to think about. My breathing became labored, and I gripped the doorknob, ready to yell at him. I was about to twist it and walk in when he continued to talk on the phone, causing me to come to a halt.

"Stella, come on. You know I can't come over because my wife went to work today and the girls will be home soon." He murmured, and I tightened my grip on the handle, stretching my nostrils.

I can't believe he's cheating on mom.

He went on."I'll try to come tomorrow night because Ned won't be home because he'll be working, am I right?" I could tell he was smirking by the way he spoke.

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