Part 38

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Aria's pov

Everything was going so well for me, and then all of a sudden those good moments vanished.

I had actually thought....

My life was finally getting better.

It was all an illusion.

My father carries me towards his blank Range Rover, where he places me down for a brief moment before opening the back door with his free hand and pushing me inside. I flung over and turned my head around as he firmly closed the door, locking it. My hair was all over my face and I was panting heavily as I watched him walk towards his driver's side. I scoot towards the door, holding the handle while I waited for him to unlock the car and bolt out at the same time. I swallowed hard, thinking only about getting away from him.

When I heard him unlock the door, I opened it right away, and just as I was about to dash out, my arm was touched. I looked back and noticed someone else in the car staring back at me.


She looks the same; nothing has changed about her. It feels like I haven't seen her in ages. I wonder if she feels the same way about me.

Have I changed?

"If you leave now, Mom might end up in the hospital," she said, her eyes never leaving mine.

indicating that what she had just told me was true.

I sighed deeply and felt my hand pull back the door, closing it. I sat properly and looked down at my legs. While biting my bottom lip, I touched Dylan's clothes.

The thought of my mother in distress makes me anxious and concerned about her. I want to be able to see her and smell her scent, which immediately makes me feel calm and happy. I want to hear her voice and see her smile. I miss my mother so much.

I just wish she had supported me when....

When I opened up about what had happened to me last year.

I swallowed and heard my father enter the car, sighing deeply as he looked at both of us. I gripped the pants and gently rubbed them against my thumb, feeling the material.

"How is she?" I inquired, tilting my head upward and looking at Hailey.

She continued to look at me and shook her head gently. "She's not doing good"

Her eyes changed abruptly, as if something inside her switched. She looked at the clothes I was wearing and frowned even harder, perplexed.

"Whose clothes is that?" She demanded, her tone of voice becoming more severe.

I sighed gently and rubbed my forehead. "Is she sick?" I asked, noticing Hailey still staring at the clothes I was wearing.

Dad clears his throat before starting his car. "She hasn't been eating; she's been bed rotting," he explained, and my eyes squinted slightly as tears began to well up.

He proceeded. "She keeps asking for you, hence why I need you at home"

"Not only that, but she is staying at a guy's house. Not just any guy, my boyfriend," Hailey said, which caused dad to nod in agreement with her.

I lean back against the seat and snicker. "How many times do I have to tell you for you to understand?" I replied, crossing my arms and staring at her.

I went on. "He's not your boyfriend, end of story," I said, looking away and gently shaking my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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