Chapter 6

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Type 1

Type 1 diabetes: I give it a one out of five.

Way too expensive, hard to manage, and didn't come with instructions. Would not recommend.

After that whole Dylan incident, I went home knowing that I still hadn't gotten my jacket back. I still can't believe Hailey could just leave my belongings in his car knowing full well that I don't like the boy.

I opened the door to my house and entered, closing it behind me as I took a look around.
My stomach growled as I creased my brows after smelling something delicious. Hearing footsteps approaching, I looked over and saw my mother standing in the hallway. She smiles at me while wearing her apron and her light brown hair in a low bun with her fringe covering her forehead and a few strains of her hair sticking out.

My eyelids flutter at the sight of her, and my heart immediately warms. I've been missing her terribly.

"Mom," I said, dropping my bag and sprinting over to her. She widens her smile and extends her arm, knowing I'm about to hug her. I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin against her shoulder once I've reached her. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, smelling her Chanel perfume.

"You have no idea how much I have missed you, Mom." I told her the truth and hugged her again, expressing my love for her. She hugs me back and smooths her hands through my hair.

She leans back and holds my arms as her hazel brown eyes look at me with sincerity. "I know my love, I miss you girls too," she said softly, her smile lines visible as her eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

I continue to look into her eyes, softening my brows as I move my gaze away, filled with emotion. I just wish I could tell her everything and be completely honest with her, but I can't. It's not that I don't want to, but I'm not sure how.

She takes notice of my expression and places her hand on my cheek." Aria, is everything all right?" She questioned, her voice concerned. I gave a weak smile, nudged my head to the side, and shrugged my shoulders. She lets out a soft sigh and taps her hand on my upper arm. "Let's talk in the kitchen, and I'll make tea," she suggested, motioning for me to join her in the kitchen.

I trail her, noticing her cooking something on the stove. She rushes over there and turns it off. She then begins to make our tea. I walked over to our kitchen island and sat on the stool, both hands on the table. I continue to watch her, not speaking up as she place the tea bags into our mugs and turn the kettle on for it to boil.

She sighs softly and rotates her body to face me, leaning against the kitchen counter. "What has been bothering you?" She asked, wanting to know.

I glazed over and chuckled nervously, straining a hair behind my ear. "I'm not sure what to say..." I responded by rubbing my lips together and fiddling with my fingers.

"Aria, Is it a boy problem?" She asked me abruptly, and I raised my head, staring at her. She smirks and nods to herself when she notices me staring at her. "All right, and we have an answer."

"Mom, it's not a boy problem," I replied, my face expressionless. She chuckled and crossed her arms, as if she didn't believe me.

"Honey, I was a 16-year-old once, and I know a boy problem when I see one," she said confidently, looking at me.

I returned the smile and raised both brows before exhaling. Slowly but steadily, I began to open up to her.

"There is this one guy..." I spoke while looking down at the table.

My gaze was fixed on the ground, but I could sense her smirking when I mentioned a guy in my sentence. I smiled, trying not to blush in front of her. I open my mouth to continue when Hailey enters the room.

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