Chapter 34

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Hailey's Pov

After school, I went straight home, and upon entering, I was greeted by complete silence. No, it wasn't because no one was at home.

It's because one of them was missing.

I thought her absence wouldn't make a difference, but it does.

It makes a significant difference.

I swung my bag over to the bench where we place all of our belongings. I sighed tiredly and walked over to the living room, kicking off my shoes and scratching my hair. I sagged down on the couch, both feet on the coffee table, and scrolled through my phone.

I was reading the school gossip page.

As I read what others had said, I placed my fingernail inside my mouth and bit on it slightly while grinning to myself.

• Never trust quiet girls

• I always knew she was a whore

• I feel bad for Hailey, knowing what kind of a sister she has

• We love Hailey, but Aria can literally fuck off

• Jay if you see this can I be your next girlfriend??! I would treat you better

• omg no way, I was just about to comment that!

• If Jay's taken then I'll have Dylan he's way hotter

My smile faded as soon as the girls mentioned Dylan, but he's mine and mine only.

I ignored the Dylan comments and concentrated on the Aria ones. My smile returned, and I laughed at some of the remarks. Someone enters the room, and my gaze remains fixed on the screen of my phone.

" How was your day at school, princess?" My father's voice inquired.

I shrugged my shoulders and sighed heavily. "Eh it was fine," I mumbled, continuing to scroll through my phone.

"Did you remember to take medication today?" He asked, wanting to know all the time and on a daily basis.

" Mhm"

"Look at me when I'm talking to you, Hailey," he demanded.

I sighed loudly and lifted my eyes up and over to meet his gaze. Seeing his irritated expression, I raise an eyebrow and wait for him to speak.

He went on. "Let's talk about it in my office," he said, turning around and motioning for me to follow him.

I scoffed at his suggestion, making a sour face. " No way. I'm not Aria," I said, causing him to pause and turn around to face me.

" It is critical that I keep records of your daily checkups."

I smirked at him and shook my head. "You can do that with your actual clients," I said, slowly rising from the couch.

"Hailey," he grumbled, tired of my attitude.

I approached him and shook my head. "I know you worry about me, dad, but I promise you that I'm fine," I said, looking him in the eyes and smiling warmly.

I went on. " Okay?," I said, widening my smile as I noticed him giving up and nodding at me.

He gives a weak smile and looks around the living room before returning to me. "I have to get ready for work...." He said this while putting his hand to his brow, indicating that he didn't want to go.

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