Chapter 17

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The car ride with Jay was pleasurable; he did the majority of the talking, and I listened. He mostly talked about the game, the things we have in common, and he asked about me. How I was doing, as well as the marks on my neck.

To be honest, I'm sick and tired of hearing the same thing over and over. I know he cares, but I don't think I have the energy to respond to every question about how I'm doing. The marks on my neck are gradually fading thanks to the cream Dylan gave me.

I'm still stunned that he brought me that.

I had no idea he had that side to him.

When it comes to Dylan, I guess Jay was correct about one thing: he does have a good side; you just have to get to know him.

Do I really want to get to know him?

The well-known asswipe.

No way.

I looked out the window and smiled because it was dark outside and all you could see were the street lights flickering.

"Isn't it strange that they want to go on a double date with us?" I grinned as I slowly turned my head around to stare at him.

He keeps his eyes on the road and both hands on the stirring wheel. "I mean, I don't find it strange," he replied, his gaze fixed on the road and his blind spots.

I continue to stare at him, my smile fading. "Do you think it's strange that we're not a couple and this is a double date?" I said, and he smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

"It doesn't sound so bad; why, don't you want me to be your companion?" He questioned, his tone attempting to convey disappointment.

I averted my gaze and chuckled lightly. "I'm not saying that," I said, turning to face my window.

I continued."I just find this whole situation strange," I explained, and he remained silent, unsure what to say in response.

I lean back against the seat and felt cold. When I remembered I had left my jacket in the back seat, I sat up slightly and turned my head around, groaning quietly.

I looked over at him, nervous about what I was about to ask him. "Could you please turn on the heater? I'm feeling a little chilly "I asked of him.

He maintains his focus on the road and nods at me. "Erh, sure," he said, not looking away from the road and placing his finger on the button that turned on the heater.

I quickly thanked him and pressed my cold against the ventilation where the hot air was coming out of. I shivered under my breath and closed my eyes, warm.

I recall being in Dylan's car that night and not having to ask him for anything. He simply knew and draped a jacket over my legs.

I gradually opened my eyes and looked over at the dashboard. I breathed softly, my heart pounding. I swallowed hard and continued to pressed my hands against the ventilation.

"Are you as hungry as I am?" I remained silent when he asked. I keep thinking about him.

I closed my eyes and pushed the thoughts away. "Um, yeah, I'm hungry," I respond.

Looking at him, I was feeling a little down. I turn around and place my head against the cold window. He keeps driving and follows Dylan's car.


Jay parks his car next to Dylan's and turns off his engine. I slowly unbuckled my seat belt as I watched Dylan exit his Jeep, staring at the both of us in the car. Hailey approaches and nudges his hand to accompany her. He walks away, closing his eyes and sighing heavily.

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