Chapter 25

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He unlocks it for me, and I get into the car and sit in the passenger seat. I sat there watching him walk around and get into his car.

"Are you going to tell me why you're running away from them?" He asked, starting his engine.

I looked around, nervous and wanting him to leave my street. "I'll tell you about it later," I said, staring at my house and hoping no one would notice me.

I went on. "But first, I need to know who I'll be staying with..." I muttered to myself, my elbow on the window and my hand on my head.

" You can stay with me." He stated confidently. I immediately turned around and stared at him, my heart racing as he returned my gaze with a warm smile.

I parted my lips, stunned by what he had just said, which had rendered me speechless. " I don't-"

I came to a halt and closed my eyes, inhaling deeply and exhaling fully. I reopened my eyes and swallowed before continuing.

I went on. "I don't think it's right for me to stay with you..." I said this while staring at him.

He shrugs and places one hand on the steering wheel. "It's not like we haven't slept beside each other before," he said, showing me his dimple with a half-grin.

I felt my cheeks flush and looked away, putting a strand of hair behind my ear. "What are you on about? We have not "My heart was pounding loudly, so I mumbled.

"What are you talking about? We had a full sleepover, with me sleeping on the floor and you sleeping on the bed "he said, and I smiled as I turned my head around to look at him.

He went on. "You could've offered me to sleep on your bed at least," he joked as he drove away from my house, a smirk on his face.

"How do you remember when I don't?" I frowned and tried to think about when that was.

He chuckled and turned into a street before entering the main road. "Of course I'll remember, you had those eye boogers," he said as he pointed to his eyes.

I remained silent until I remembered that time and laughed. "And you drooled," I continued to laugh, pointing near my mouth.

And at that precise moment, I had completely forgotten about my situation at home.

I stayed quiet when I remembered them again, my smile fading as I looked down at my laps. As he watches my reaction, he notices.

He clears his throat and concentrates on the road ahead. "I feel like ice cream," he exclaimed abruptly.

I cocked my brow and turned around to face him. "At this time?" I questioned.

He shrugs and looks at me strangely, as if it were a normal time for him to eat ice cream. "There is no time limit when eating ice cream," he said as he lifted his finger.

"But everywhere is closed," I said, looking around and seeing that no stores were open and that only the street lights were turned on.

He grins and tilts his head to the side, his gaze fixed on the road. "I know a place," he explained.

I nodded, raising my brows and widening my eyes. "Of course you do," I replied.


We arrived at a location that is fairly isolated, given that it is now after midnight. Dylan parks his car and turns off the engine. I take a look around, and the neighborhood appears to be a little sketchy.

"Are you sure you took me to an ice cream parlor?" I asked, nervously continuing to look out my window side.

"Whatever you're thinking is correct, I'm going to murder you right here," he threatened quietly.

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