Chapter 23

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After my brief argument with Hailey, I went over to Jay to see how he was doing. I feel as though I have been so aloof with him and that I have felt myself being drawn away. I believe that I am primarily to blame for it. Allowing this to take place between us.

He is present everywhere I go. He always manages to catch me when I try to flee. He is always present when I am upset to see it all.

I have to ignore Dylan and concentrate on Jay, who is my boyfriend.

Jay was lying on the bed with his head bandaged, and I was sitting on the bed. Although he had some minor facial bruises, they weren't as severe as Dylan's.

I grabbed and held his hand with both of my hands. "I can't believe I was knocked out the whole time," he mumbled, his hazel green eyes darting around the room.

I chuckled, feeling my cheeks tighten as I did so. "That person had hit you pretty hard then," I said softly.

He slowly turns his head to face me while maintaining his expression of seriousness. "Are you really making this into a joke?" As he asked, he fixed his gaze on me, causing me to instantly lose my smile.

He kept talking, realizing the harshness in his tone, "That fucker could have seriously damaged my head, and here you are making a joke out of it."

I fell into a trance as I looked down at his chin. My eyes are glistening. I had no intention of making him feel that way.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings-"

He interrupted me. "Really, Aria? Leave me alone; I don't care what you meant; I'm in pain "Pulling his hand away from my touch, he said.

I looked at him, my shoulders slumped, my heart pounding lightly. I look to the side of the room to find a blank spot to stare at as my eyes begin to tear up. I licked the side of my lip and made an effort to contain my tears.

"Don't push me away..." I mumbled, looking down and closing my eyes.

"I'm not pushing you away, god, but please understand that I need to be alone and have some space," he insisted. I shift my focus over to his and see him casting a wide-eyed stare my way.

I raised an eyebrow and shook my head a little bit while looking at his features. "Why are you acting this way?" I questioned of him.

He scoffs and looks away. "Why am I acting this way? Perhaps because I'm in pain."

"You've changed your behavior since Bryan started showing up..." I mumbled, staring at Jay and noticing him freeze up as he enters a trance.

He remains silent for a moment before returning his gaze to mine. "I just don't like the guy," he said, and I nodded in agreement and understanding.

"I completely understand and agree with you," I said, watching him frown and look away. I cleared my throat and thought about what Bryan had said.

I went on. "But I'm not sure what Bryan meant when he said those things to me..." I noticed Jay looking over at me before signing heavily, I said.

"He's bluffing, just like you said." He spoke quickly, wanting to avoid and change the subject.

"Why would he go to such lengths to write traitor on your car?" I confronted him.

He widens his eyes and exhales through his mouth, clearly irked by the subject. "I egged his house and vandalized his car; obviously, he was looking for revenge, and he got it."

I frowned and bit my bottom lip, not quite sure what was going on. "Okay, but he also mentioned your conversations with him. To me, it sounded like a threat "I informed him.

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