Chapter 16

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Every night, I lie in bed wondering if you ever meant a goddamn thing you said.

Was it the truth? or a lie to cover up your true feelings.

His hand was wrapped around my waist, pushing me against his body. My hands were wrapped around his neck, and our face was only an inch apart. As I slowly move back and gaze down at his lips, I feel his lips brush against the side of my cheek. His dark eyes dilated, gazing down at my lips, enticed to kiss me, and slowly raising them to meet mine.

I move my gaze away from him, pushing him away, but he grabs my face and pulls me close to him, about to kiss me on the lips.

" Don't." I panted, staring down to his lips, which were about to touch mine. As he slowly looks into my green eyes, I feel his breath tickle my skin.

He doesn't say anything before splashing the water to my face. I closed my eyes and waved my hand.

" Stupid. I told you to move away from the pool" He grumbled and continued to splash water in my direction.

I softly gasped and wiped my wet face before returning my gaze to him.

" And I have told you to leave me alone" I argued back and splashed water to his face. He grins widely and wipes his face.

I swam away and towards the edge, placing my hands on the tiles as I prepared to exit the pool, when I felt his hands grip my waist. I came to a halt and slowly turned around, noticing him holding me in place. As he lifts my body up, he concentrates hard and draws his lips to a thin line. I sat down and stood up slowly, watching him get out of the pool and shake his wet hair.

He comes to a stop and looks at me, exhaling heavily from exhaustion. "You're stupid for standing near the edge of the pool," he says, pointing his index finger at me and then at the pool.

I scrunched my nose at him and hugged my dripping wet body. "You think I'm stupid?" I became enraged and raised my voice.

He nods and licks the corner of his mouth. " Yeah."

I chuckled and shook my head. "No, you're stupid for thinking I'd want to kiss you back," I said mentioning to him when he grabbed my face in the pool and was about to kiss me.

When I said that, his face dropped and he stared at me sternly. He squints his eyes and slowly walks near me.

When he gets close, he stands tall and looks down at me. "What makes you think I wanted to kiss you?" He inquired, his jaw clenched as he awaited my response.

I gaze to the ground, noticing the floor becoming a puddle from our soaking clothes.
I shrugged my shoulders, hesitant to respond back.

"Y-you grabbed my face and seemed like you were about to kiss me," I mumbled, my body shaking with nervousness and avoiding eye contact with him.

" Seemed, it seemed like it." He stated, and scoffs at what I said.

He continued. "Damn, I didn't realize you were that eager for me to kiss you," he said, making me tilt my head up and stare at him.

My eyes narrowed and my nose scrunched slightly. "You're the one who looks desperate to kiss me, not me," I respond, pointing my index finger at my chest.

He squints his eyes and shakes his head, staring at me blankly. As I walked past him, he grabbed my wrist and twisted me around to face him again.

"If I was desperate to kiss you, I would have done it by now," he argued, frowning his brows as he glared back at me.

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