Chapter 2

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It's exhausting, both mentally and physically, living in a body you are at war with everyday.

You know what else i get most asked, you'll love this one

" You don't look like a diabetic."

I'm sorry, but what exactly does a diabetic person look like?

"I'm not leaving until I find my sister," I said, flaring my nostrils at him and taking a step forward. I immediately came to a stop and felt my head go light, making me dizzy.

This is not good; I need something sweet.

" Well, is your sister here?" Dylan asked, his face solemn, and his cold brown eyes locked on mine.

I felt dehydrated and softened my brows. This isn't good; I need to eat something quickly. I lick my dry lips as I feel sweat run down my body. Uncomfortable, I pressed my finger against my collar and yanked on my shirt.

The other guy, the one who wouldn't let me in, said, "She's waiting for you at the pajama party." I ignored him and kept feeling uneasy. The guys around me started laughing at what the guy said and continued to stare at me as if I were some kind of freak.

I stand in the middle of them, my feet facing each other. I swallowed hard and tilted my head up, my vision blurry as I looked around them. My gaze is drawn to him, Dylan.

He smirks as he looks at me, noticing my expression. After staring at my face, he slowly fades his smile.

Why is he staring at me so intently?

Dylan looks me in the eyes and makes a disgusted face.
"Hey, you look sick, and I suggest that you leave before you make me and my friends sick."

After he said that, my eyes swelled up, causing me to stand weakly and look away. I ignored him by taking another step, my leg wobbly and on the verge of collapsing. I kept my cool, not wanting to pass out in front of these boys.

Stay strong

I raise my head and look at them, noticing that they have all taken a step back. Fearful of catching something from me.

I flared my nostrils, inspecting each one until my gaze fell on Dylan. I glare at him with hatred in my eyes, and a tear escapes. I sniffed sharply and wiped away a tear. "Don't worry; I don't want to see your ugly face for much longer."

I told him, and I saw him raise an eyebrow at me. His expression changed; he didn't like what I said. He was about to approach me when he was stopped by one of his friends. I gave Dylan one last look before trying to walk over to the door and seeing it being opened by someone.

I came to a standstill and looked over, seeing the guy I had met earlier.

The one I almost ran over....

I said nearly because I had no intention of actually running him over! I didn't even notice the guy.

As he walks fully inside and turns his attention to the other boys, he looks at me with a puzzled expression. I make a pleading face at the guy. I'm not sure why I made that face, as if he'd come to my aid.

He ignores the other guys and walks up to me, placing his hand on my upper arm. "Hey, you all right?" He asked, and from the expression on his face, it appeared that he was concerned about me.

I was about to respond to him when Dylan interrupted." Leave her alone, she's sick, and you might catch something from her."

I sighed deeply and closed my eyes. I turn my head and look over at Dylan, who was staring at us blankly.

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