Chapter 15

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They say it's best to heal alone, but this time, I preferred to have someone by my side.

one that you least anticipate.

I suddenly woke up, from the bright sunlight beaming through my windows and into my room. I squinted my eyes and yawned, my right arm aching and numb. It's almost as if my arm has dozed off.

I sat up slightly and looked down to see someone holding my hand and their head resting on my bed while their body was seated on the floor as their back was against my bed.

I wrinkled my brows, my heart racing as I looked around my room and realized Jay wasn't there. I turn around and look at our hands again. I made my lips thin and moved slightly closer to him. Tilting my head to the side, I noticed Dylan was holding my hand.

I quickly removed my hand from his and grabbed my pillow, slamming it on his head to wake him up. He jerks up and looks over at me, his sleepy eyes wide.

"What the fuck?" He groaned, one hand rubbing his eye and the other surrendering.

I clutched my pillow and stared at him. "What the eff are you doing in my room?!?" I yelled and whispered at him, and he just stared at me with his confused sleepy eyes.

"You were having a nightmare," he said, rubbing his eye before looking over at me.

I remained silent, my gaze averted. "Nightmare?" I mumbled, not remembering having one.

"Yeah, you were saying things like No, Stop, you're hurting me," he explained. I frowned and scratched my brow before closing my eyes remembering it.

It was a nightmare, but sadly, it wasn't just a dream; I had lived through it.

I shifted my head slowly, disgusted with my own skin. It felt like I was covered in dirt, with hands touching every part of my body.

I looked over at him, noticing he was still staring at me. I sighed deeply and rose from my bed, moving closer to him.

"What was the dream about?" He questioned, waiting for me to respond.

I crossed my arms and kept staring at him.

"Why are you still in my room?" I asked, ignoring his other query.

Smiling, he licks his lips. "What's the deal with you not telling me about your nightmare? I'm assuming you're embarrassed because you saw a demon?" I remained silent as he mocked. I raise my head, feeling my eyes glossed.

A demon, indeed.

I squeezed my knuckles shut, closing my eyes. I need to stay calm because I know he's just joking and not serious.

"You've got drool on your face," I said, pointing to my mouth. He averts his gaze and wipes it.

"You got those eye boogers," he said.

I felt my cheeks warm up and placed my fingers in the inner corners of my eyes. I wiped them away and cleared my throat, trying to think of something to say to him.

I couldn't think of anything to say back, so I pushed him away from me and towards my bedroom door. I grabbed his arm and opened the door, making sure no one was around.

When I turned around, I noticed him smirking and staring at me. "Leave before anyone notices," I said as I pushed his body out of my room.

He stands there, turning around with a grin on his face. As I continued to stare at him, I noticed his black hair messed up, partially covering his dark brown eyes.

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