Chapter 8

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Three words that changed my life: " You have diabetes".

It was the next day, and I had already prepared my stuff, including my school books, pencil case, a perfume that makes you smell fresh and clean, and, of course, my emergency bag. It's a small pink purse-style bag that I decorated with stickers because it was dull and boring.
Today I decided to pair my tracksuit grey pants with a baggy black t-shirt and a black vest.

I honestly would try harder when dressing up for school, but it came down to not giving a fuck.

I haven't seen Hailey since yesterday, but I'm sure she's fine because our mother made sure she took her medications.

I sighed deeply and drew my hair up into a high ponytail. I'm tired of having my hair down and all over my face.

I took my bag and exited my bedroom. Standing in the hallway, I looked over at Hailey's slightly open bedroom door. Mom walks out of the bedroom and notices me. She quickly closes Hailey's door and walks over to me.

"How are you feeling today, Aria? You can stay at home if you do not want to go to school "she suggested, staring at me and wrinkled her brow slightly.

I swallowed and shrugged my shoulders at her, holding my bag strap on my arm."I'm fine, but I'd like to go to school to clear my mind. Staying at home, I believe, would make things more difficult "I stated, and she nods her head in agreement.

She returns her attention to Hailey's room, making sure she doesn't hear anything. Mom then turns her head to face me.

" Hailey isn't feeling well today, so she'll stay at home."

I sighed deeply, raising my brows and turning to face the staircase."Okay, well, I'm off," I said, ignoring what she said and about to walk away when she stopped me.

She smiles softly and looks me down with her warm brown eyes."Don't push Hailey away, honey. Don't be mad at her; she was off her meds and acted that way." I flinched a little as she placed her hand on my upper arm. She frowns slightly, ignores my reaction, and keeps her hand on my arm. "She's having trouble with her medications. You must be patient with her and act as the bigger person."

I shook my head and chuckled softly. I come to a halt and return her gaze. "I'm tired of always being the bigger person." I said openly, and she relaxed her eyes, unable to say anything. I continued walking towards the stairs while holding my bag.

"Hailey wants to talk to you," she said, causing me to pause and look down the stairs from the top. I drew my lips together and inhaled deeply through my nostrils. Hearing Mom walk towards me and position herself besides me.

"Go make up with her and put an end to this ridiculous situation," she says, pulling her wrist over to her face and staring down at her watch. "I was going to work today, but I decided to stay home and watch Hailey instead."

I remained silent as I watched her sigh heavily and turn her head to stare at me. Before walking down the stairs, she smiles. I remain motionless, unsure whether I should enter Hailey's room and confront her.

I knew she was off her meds, but what she said, those words, they really hurt me.

I turned over and looked into her bedroom. I sighed and started walking. I stand behind her door, staring at my shoes, hesitant to knock. I raise my hand, my knuckles close to the door. My lips trembled as I knocked on the door.

" Come in"

I opened the door and crept inside after hearing Hailey's voice. Tilting my head to the side, I noticed her staring at me from her bed. I stood behind the door, avoiding getting any closer to her. She notices and looks down before speaking, swallowing.

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