Chapter 31

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Hello there, readers. I know it's been a long time since I've updated, and I sincerely apologize for not adding new chapters. I've been working nonstop, and it's become a habit for me to go to work and then straight home. I had no time for myself, which is a bad habit. I'm not making excuses; I'm simply sorry for not updating more frequently.

Type 1

Dylan and I returned to the room where I am now staying. We were both seated on the bed, next to each other, looking around the room awkwardly.

"I'll let you sleep," he said steadily, as if he didn't want to leave.

My heart rate dropped the second he said those words and the second he got out of bed. My hand acted on my behalf and reached out to stop him from leaving. My heart was racing as my gaze was drawn to his back, staring at my hand firmly grasped in his.

"Can you..." I began by not knowing how to phrase it. "Would you like..." I paused and sighed heavily, wanting to speak up but unable to.

I rose up from the bed, still holding his wrist, and crept closer to him.

"If you don't mind, can you stay here tonight with me?" I muttered, my gaze fixed on the floor, and my face turned as red as a tomato.

I don't want to sleep alone tonight, and I know I should be able to sleep by myself, but Dylan just makes me feel at ease.

He gives me a sense of security.

He slowly turns around, his brown eyes meeting mine and his lips wanting to form a smile but holding it back.

"Can you repeat that? I didn't hear you," he said, looking me in the eyes and waiting for me to respond.

I rolled my eyes and let go of his wrist, annoyed at his childish behavior. He takes my hand and holds it.

"Sure, I can be your passenger princess as well as your sleeping companion," he said with a wink.

I softly groaned and rolled my eyes at the same time. I stood there watching as he walked past me to the bed and flopped down. I slowly turn my body and look around, not knowing what to say but staring into empty spaces.

I fiddled with my hands and stared at the bed, moving to one side and arranging the pillows. "I don't mind if we share..." I spoke up and then stopped when I turned around and saw him standing near the couch.

I parted my lips and held the pillow in my hands, watching him raise his brows as if remembering to get the pillows. He approaches me and looks down at them. He grabs one and was about to turn around when I grabbed a hold of the pillow in his hand and stopped him. He came to a halt, stunned by my action. I swallowed hard and trembled as I realized what I was about to say.

"You don't have to sleep on the couch," I said quietly enough for him to hear.

He scoffed and raised an eyebrow. "You want me to sleep on the floor?"

He went on. "You cold hearted bitc-"

"I want you to sleep with me," I said, causing him to pause before finishing the b word.

When I said that, his eyes widened and his mouth slightly flung open. I frowned and realized how it sounded.

I swallowed quickly, which caused me to choke on my own saliva. I coughed and patted my chest. "I meant to say, you can sleep next to me on the bed," I said, my eager eyes on him.

He looked down and lightly chuckled while biting his bottom lip. He raises his gaze to mine and squints his eyes in a seductive manner. He slowly approaches me, his gaze fixed on me. I came to a halt and felt my body tensing as he approached. He smirks and shows me his dimple as he stands in front of me.

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