Chapter 7

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Dylan's pov

After telling Hailey that I'm going down to use the bathroom, I knock on her sister's bedroom door. After her sister punched me in the face and told me her jacket was in the car, I left the parking lot only to discover her jacket in my backseat.

I felt stupid for not believing her or not allowing her to look inside my car. I had no idea Hailey had left her sister's belongings in my car. Let alone her sister's personal belongings and not herself.

The bedroom door swings open as I notice her standing behind it, and her bright green eyes meet mine. When she realizes it was me who knocked on her door, her face immediately frowns.

I stared at her, holding her jacket in my hand, and followed her gaze to my hand. After seeing her jacket, she relaxes her brows. She remains silent for a brief moment before crossing her arms and scoffing at me.

"So, my jacket was really with you, idiot," she said, pointing to her temple after referring to me as idiot.

She used my exact words when she told me her jacket was in my car and I called her idiot for not listening to me.

She shakes her head and pulls her jacked back into her arms.

As I stare at her, I crack a sheepish grin and scratch behind my neck."So, will I get a thank you and an apology?"She squints her green eyes at me, I said.

Her disgusted gaze slowly roamed my body before she held her door with her other hand.

"Apology for what?"She said this while looking at me strangely.

I cracked a smile, nibbling my bottom lip and rubbing my jaw. I smirk, looking at her with my dark brown eyes before pointing to my bruised nose. Because of her and her rock-hard knuckles.

She most likely has Thanos's hands.

She raised her brows and scoffs at me before slamming the door in my face. I downturned my lips and raised an eyebrow in response to her reaction.

The feelings is mutual.

I, too, would have slammed the door in her face.

"Ass wipe," she hissed behind the door, and I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard what she said.

Was that supposed to be me?

I smirked and tilted my head to the side, wanting to laugh but frustrated with the girl at the same time.

"Man hands," I argued back, and walked away, not knowing what she thought or if she said anything, but I believe she heard me.

With a smirk on my face, I walked back into Hailey's room. I closed the door behind me, my gaze fixed on the ground.

"What's so funny?" Hailey asked, completely baffled as to why I was smirking to myself. I immediately lower my smile and raise my head, staring at her. She was lying down on her double bed, dressed only in a robe.

"I returned your sister's jacket," I said, wanting to tell her the truth. Her face reddens and she sits up immediately.

" What?" She sounded unhappy and looked at me as if I had done something wrong. "Why on earth would you go to her?" She asked, her teeth gritted as she stared at me silently.

I squint my eyes and wave my hand around. "I just told you I gave your sister her jacket back," I said, shaking my head because I hate having to explain myself again.

She furrows her brows and remains silent. She was thinking about something. She does this all the time; when she suspects something is wrong, she remains silent.

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