Chapter 33

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Dylan's Pov

I'd just awoken, my heavy eyelids opening as the bright sunlight streamed through my window and into my room, blinding me. I groan softly before coughing, the raspiness of my throat visible. I squinted slightly, feeling my body weak and unable to move a muscle.

I slowly look around, wondering why I was in my own bedroom rather than the guess room.

I'm sure I wasn't dreaming about sleeping next to Aria.

" Aria?..." I mumbled and frowned before coughing.

The door burst open, and I stared ahead blankly, noticing one of the maids, the older one. She was holding a tray with what appeared to be homemade soup on it. I cracked a smile as she walked slowly past me.

I carefully sat up in bed, leaning against the bed frame. "You cutie, made me soup," I said, smiling.

She returned my smile and placed the tray on my lap. Her face has minor wrinkles near the corners of her eyes, smile lines, and lines across her forehead and neck. Even though she was old, she still looked young.

She's like a mother to me.

She continues to smile as she stands beside my bed. "Your girlfriend had asked me to make you chicken soup, but I made you pumpkin instead," she chuckled.

My smile fades, and my cheeks blush as I realize Aria cares for me. My heart began to pound, and my hand began to sweat.

"I want chicken soup," I said, returning the tray to her.

She froze, looking down at the tray, then back at me. "B-but you hate chicken soup?"

I smiled and showed her my dimple. "I love you, but I want to have what my girlfriend told me to have."

I said, holding the tray and waiting for her to take it. She remained silent and smiled as she took the tray from me. She turned around and was about to leave when she froze, as if she had forgotten to tell me something.

I looked at her and frowned, wondering what had happened. She turns around with a concerned expression on her face.

"Something happened this morning, but I'm not sure if I should tell you," she avoided her gaze.

I adjusted my position in bed and began to panic. "Tell me"

She sighs softly and looks at the door to my bedroom. She tightens her grip on the tray and returns her gaze to me.

"Your mother dragged your girlfriend out of the house and told her not to return," she explained.

My dark brown eyes slowly faded away, my jaw tensing and gripping my bed sheets as veins appeared on my hands and arms.

She went on. " I'm not sure why your mother kicked her out. She appeared to be a lovely young lady."

She kept talking, but her voice was muffled as I stared across my room, my body trembling with rage. I stood up, removing the cover from my body, and watched as she fell silent as she watched me.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed the first hoodie I could find. Tracksuit pants in light grey and a white t-shirt. I put on my black hoodie and walked over to my bedroom door, grabbing my car keys.

" Dylan, you should stay in bed; you need to rest."

I rushed out of my room and down the hallway, noticing the maids stopping what they were doing and staring at me as I ran past them. I dashed down the stairs and approached the front door.

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