Chapter 37

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Aria's POV

I paced around the living room, high ceiling, wide windows with long curtains drape to the floor. Marble floors, that are so clear and shiny you can see your own reflection.

" Would you stop pacing around?" Gracie mumbled tiredly. " You're making me dizzy..."

I stopped and looked back at her, she was seated on the couch with both of her hands plastered on her hair and face down. I slowly approached and took a seat on a different couch, hands placed on my knees.

" Schools ended and he's no where?" She whispered, hearing the concerning voice she projected.

I bite my gums and fidget with my hands. " He will be back" I said, trying to calm her down.

She tilts her head up and stares at me with mirror-like eyes. She sniffs her nose, and her expression solidifies. "You know don't you?" She spoke, her eyes widening and her lips shrinking even more.

My heart raced, and I froze like a chicken. "I-He went..."

She got up and stood in front of me, lifting her finger and pointing at me. "You know and you're not telling me"

She proceeded. "If this has anything to do with you, I will end you," she threatened, looking brutally into my eyes.

She stormed off, approaching the entrance and ordering her staff to do something. They rushed back with her belongings. She grabbed her jacket and purse. I stood up from my couch and walked slightly towards her.

She put on her jacket and looked back at me. She was about to say something to me, but instead turned to face the front door. She was about to place her hand on the doorknob when it began to open itself.

Gracie came to a halt and stood motionless, waiting to see who was behind the door. Dylan raises his head, staring at her before turning to face me with a cheeky grin on his lips, revealing his defined dimple. His eyes closed, and his sweaty dark hair fell slightly over his eyes.

"Dylan?" Gracie whispered, observing him, and couldn't move a muscle because she was startled.

Dylan manages to step inside and close the door behind him, leaning against it and smiling proudly. He lifts his hand and rubs his nose. I noticed a blood stain and a bruise on his knuckles.

I immediately stood up, my heart pounding just from seeing the condition of his hand. I couldn't imagine where else he was injured and in pain. I dashed towards him and stood right in front of him. His dark brown eyes meet mine and smile.

I not only stared back at his eyes, but I also scanned his face, concerned for him. My brows softened, and my heart started to sink. He notices my expression and lowers his smirk.

"I'm fine..."

I ignored him and grabbed his hands, turning them over to reveal his knuckles. I raised my brows and inhaled deeply through my nose. His hands were covered in dry blood; it was unclear whether it was his or someone else's. I gently rubbed my thumb against his skin, and my heart ached.

"Aria, I'm fine I promise" He reassured me, acknowledging the expression I was making.

I frowned and let go of his hands, looking directly at him. "I told you not to go," I said, my temper rising.

I was angry because he went when I told him not to. He isn't helping me by hurting himself and causing more problems.

I smacked his arm, and he looked stunned. His mouth opened slightly, and he cracked a small smile, trying not to laugh.

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