Chapter 10

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Type 1

I'm waiting for Apple to come out with the iPump.

He dropped his lips as his eyes me out before returning his gaze to mine. "Doesn't seem like you have much of a choice, slave," he said quietly, and I frowned.

He went on. " I want you to come with me."

He said this while peering at me through the door and leaning in close to me. I remained frozen in place, arms crossed and a frown on my face. His brown eyes move away from mine and behind me, his smile quickly fading and he fixed his position like a military stand.

When I felt my father's hand on my shoulder, I turned around and looked up at him, noticing his fierce eyes.

"Who are you to refer to my daughter as a slave?" Dylan looks down while nervously laughing when my father asks him.

"Sorry, sir, I didn't call your daughter a slave," Dylan apologized, acting all innocent and reasonable. I smirked, shaking my head and staring at him.

"Who is this scumbag standing on our doorstep, Aria?" Dylan widened his eyes but kept them on the ground and his hands behind his back when Dad asked.

"He's my boyfriend," Hailey said, and we turned around to see her standing behind us. She walks over and takes a seat besides Dylan, smiling softly. She wraps her arm around his, noticing his annoyed expression as he tries to conceal it.

Dad raised an eyebrow and kept staring at Dylan. "Is that so?" He looked, unimpressed by Hailey's selection of boys. I'm afraid I have to agree with Dad on this one, Hailey.

"What do you think about having a one-on-one conversation with me?" He asked of Dylan. Hailey rolls her eyes; she despises it when our father gets involved in her personal life.

Dylan scratched the back of his neck and chuckled. " Sure," he said, looking around, wanting to get out of this awkward situation.

"Oh my goodness, Dad. You're so humiliating." Hailey muttered and took Dylan's hand in her own. "We're leaving," she announced as she dragged Dylan away from us.

Dad sighs heavily and continues to observe the two of them as they approach Dylan's car. He then turned around to face me, his hands in his pockets.

"Follow me to my office," he said abruptly, and I swallowed hard.

Looking out in the yard, I noticed Hailey getting into the passenger seat and Dylan turning around and staring at me. I shut the door and went into my father's office.

I walk in, close the door behind me, and stand behind it. He was already sitting at his desk, looking up at me and motioning for me to join him. I walked over to his desk and sat down, my legs shaking once more.

"How is everything going?" He asked, opening his document file and grabbing a pen to begin writing down my response.

He is not a therapist. But he likes to be one to keep an eye on his family and to see their statues.

I take a deep breath and fidget with my fingers as I stare at his notes. " Everything is fine..." I mumbled and came to a halt when I heard him sigh.

"Why are you misleading me, Aria?" When he asked, I looked up and looked him in the eyes. My heart rate dropped and my body shook with fear.

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