Chapter 36

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I kept going
Not because I wanted to
Trust me, all of me wanted to stop.
I kept going
Because I deserved to know
What not giving up on myself felt like.
~ Pinterest

I flicked open my heavy eyelids, raising my brows and breathing through my nose as I stretched my arms and legs out from under the covers. I groan softly and turn around to see Dylan fast asleep. I was about to sit up when I noticed his arm around my waist. I sighed softly and gently pushed his arm away from me.

I eventually got out of bed and started checking my blood sugar and going through my usual routine. I took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Black jeans with a high waist, a black singlet with a lace design on the front of the chest, and a white cardigan that fit perfectly around my waist. My hair had been blow dried and was already straight and wavy. I sighed deeply and looked around, unsure what else to do.

I took out my toothbrush and toothpaste from my bag, which contained all of my toiletries. I quickly brushed and rinsed my teeth and tongue. I looked in the mirror and saw a horrifying reflection of myself.

I should probably audition for a role in a horror film.....

I groaned softly and felt my eyes close as a vivid image of someone punching me in the face flashed through my vision. I scrunched up my face and tilted my head to the side, sick to my stomach. I returned my gaze to the mirror, staring into my eyes and noticing the tears welling up. I raised my brows and tilted my head back, refusing to cry.

Aria, no. No more crying.

The number of times you've cried has made you feel so weak that you can't shed a single tear.

The bathroom door slowly opens, and I turn around to see Dylan yawning as he walks in. He comes to a halt, eyes closed, and sighs softly. He peeked his eyes open slightly as he adjusted to the light. His dark hair was a tangle, and it was partially covering his dark eyes. He looks at me tiredly and grins to himself, revealing his side dimple.

"Good morning," he said in a raspy voice as he approached me.

He nudges me slightly and walks over to the sink to brush his teeth.

I raised my brows and gave a weak smile. "Morning"

He started brushing his teeth and tilted his head slightly towards me. His dark brown eyes smirked as they moved down my body and back to me.

"Where you going?" When he asked, I cocked my head back.

Is he okay mentally?

"To school, where else?" I replied, scoffing slightly as I looked at him.

He cleared his throat and spit into the sink before turning to face me. "You're not going"

Before walking out of the bathroom, he looked me in the eyes and lowered his gaze to my lips. I parted my lips and took a deep breath. I blinked quickly, unsure what was going on. I immediately trailed behind him, watching as he grabbed his new shirt, holding it loosely in one hand.

" Okay, and do what? Hang out with your mom," I joked, slightly giggling as I prepared to leave.

He turns to face me with a solemn expression. "Make yourself at home," he said, returning my gaze.

I scoffed as I walked over to him and immediately stopped when he pulled his shirt up and over his head. He exposed his bare chest and toned body to me. My cheeks began to flush, and my gaze scanned his body. My heart was racing faster than usual. I quickly turn around, facing his bed, and close my eyes to calm down.

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