Chapter 35

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Aria's Pov

It was late at night, around 8 p.m., and I was sitting in Dylan's passenger seat, which was parked directly outside his luxurious home. I'm not sure how a family of three can live in a house or mansion with 12 rooms.

Relax. I was exaggerating, but they have a large number of rooms.

I had my arms crossed and was staring out the window at his front door. She was obviously there, waiting and knowing what to expect. I sighed loudly and moved my green gaze over to the gate, where I noticed a few guards.

I mean, if I just ran past them really quickly-

"You're not going to run past my guards," Dylan said, as if he could read my mind.

I mean, he did, didn't he?

I widened my eyes and turned my head to face him. "You're a wizard, Harry," I say from Harry Potter, and he smiles.

He looks away and returns his focus to me. He leans forward, his arm veins tensing as he places his hand behind my seat. I took a deep breath and returned my gaze to his dark brown eyes.

"Who the fuck is Harry?" He asked, and I remained silent before chuckling and quickly covering my mouth.

Is he serious?

" I'm sorry. You're a wizard, Dylan," I corrected.

Before biting his lower lip, his eyes perform the triangle stare. "I'm a what?" He asked, his face contorted as if shocked.

I closed my eyes and laughed softly." A wizard, o' course" I said with Hagrid's accent.

When he continued to stare at me, I stopped laughing, noticing his dark brown eyes drifting down to my lips and smirks before returning his gaze to mine. He smiles to the side before leaning in even closer. My heart skipped a beat as I felt him lean in close to my ear, his breath tickling as I looked down, unable to respond. Because if I do, it will be obvious that his body affects me.

"You should laugh more often," he said, the warmth of his breath tickling my ear. "It suits you."

I smiled warmly and watched as he moved away and returned my gaze with a grin. When I noticed my face turning red, I cleared my throat and turned away from him, hoping he wouldn't notice, but I knew he did.

We both exited his car, closing the passenger door as I observed Dylan walk around and towards his house. I stayed close to his car, turning my head to see his gates and bodyguards.

It can't hurt to try, right?

" Aria, don't you dare, you wouldn't even get past the gates," he said, realizing what I was thinking behind me.

I smiled to myself and returned his gaze. "Challenge accepted," I said, seeing his grin fade.

I took off with full energy and confidence, moving my arms up and down to increase my speed. When I got close to the gates, some of his guards noticed me and stopped pacing. They take a position and wait for me to approach them.

I tried to run past them when one of them stopped me by placing their hand on my shoulder. I winced quietly to myself and returned their stare, pouting my lips as I failed to escape.

One of the guards walked us back to Dylan while carrying me on their shoulder. I turned around to see Dylan standing near his house, arms crossed and laughing heartily at the situation.

The bodyguard pushed me aside and left us alone. I scoffed and crossed my arms, embarrassed by what had just occurred. I heard Dylan getting closer me, still chuckling and making fun of me.

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