Chapter 14

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Diabetes is a full-time job. Except you don't get paid, you never get vacation time, and you can't quit.

Jay had told me that he came as soon as he heard what had happened, which I assume Dylan had told him, and that once Dylan had finished the party, Jay came over to my house to check on me. That was exactly what I needed: for him to come over.

He is my comfort.

He forced me to sit on the couch, where he sat next to me. When I told him what had happened, he listened to me. He listened when it was necessary and spoke when I was finished.

I couldn't, however, tell him everything.

He only thinks Bryan choked me because he saw a "lonely girl" in the bedroom, tried to pressure me into getting with him, and when he didn't get what he wanted, he eventually started harassing me.

"If I had known what a prick he was, I would not have invited him," Jay said, turning around and clenching his jaw.

He was blaming himself for something that wasn't even his fault.

I put my hand in his and gently rubbed it. "How could you possibly have known? Anything can happen at a house party-"

He turns around and looks at me through teary eyes. "It was my house party, Aria. I planned it." he said, his nostrils stretching as he seemed agitated by this.

He moves his hand away from my touch and lowers his head, his hands covering his face. "It was my fucken party, and I left you alone in my room," he said, slamming his hand on his head.

I widened my eyes as I observed him becoming aggressive. I put my hand on his back right away, wanting to comfort him and assure him that it wasn't his fault.

"Please don't blame yourself, Jay. It's not your fault because you couldn't have predicted it "I said this as my eyes began to tear and my nose began to water. I sniffed and wiped my nose with my other hand.

He lowers his hands and turns his head to look at me. His face was slightly flushed, and his eyes were teary.

"I can't and will never forgive myself for leaving you all alone in my bedroom," he said, staring at me and then down to my neck. I shifted my gaze away and drew the robe closer to cover the marks.

"I care about you, Aria, and I don't want something like this to happen to you again," he continued, his words causing my heart to race. My cheeks flushed instantly, and the butterflies in my stomach returned.

I was about to say something when the front door was opened and we both turned around to hear their heavy breathing as they entered. A few seconds later, I notice Hailey scrambling her way into the living room, gripping the wall and looking around.

Her lips form a wide smile and she points her finger at us. "Heelloo pipeol," she slurred her words and burst out laughing.

Dylan walks over behind her, hands in his pockets, and it appears that he is irritated.

I slowly rise, looking over at her and her inebriated state. "Hailey, I'll help you into your room," I said as I walked over to her, but she frowned and shook her head.

"NoOO," she squeals, still pointing her finger as she carefully walks over to Jay and me. She walks over, struggling to keep her balance. Her eyes were fixed on both of us, and she had a smirk on her face.

" Were you two fucking each other?" She laughed and looked at both of us.

I approach Jay and notice him slowly standing up from the corner of my eye. I remained silent, slowly turning my head to look at Jay, who was staring at Hailey. I keep staring at Jay, and my gaze wanders over and behind him, where I notice Dylan staring at me.

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