Starfall Islands: A "Cybernetic" entry

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Meanwhile, in the sky above the Starfall Islands, it is now Thursday, and the plane that left Paris 2 days ago is on its way to making the stop on Kronos Island, and the pilot of the plane informed the passengers about this.

Pilot: *on speaker* Attention, passengers, this is your captain speaking. We are coming up on the Starfall Islands, and we'll be landing tomorrow. Make sure you've got all of your things together, and sit tight and enjoy the rest of the flight. Thank you.

Rose: This is exciting!!

Nino: Yeah, it is!

Alya: New frontiers, here we come!

Chloe: I can't wait to tell Daddy about everything that we've seen there!

Zoe: Me neither, sis!

Kim: Starfall Islands, here we come!!!

But with Marinette and Adrien, who are sitting right next to each other, Adrien is feeling a bit uncomfortable with what Plagg told him 2 weeks prior to the flight, so he tells Marinette that he wants to tell her something. However, Chloe starts insisting that he can only talk to her, but they both ignore her.

Adrien: *to Marinette* Um.... Marinette?

Marinette: Yes, Adrien?

Adrien: *hesitant* Uh.... Can I tell you something in private on another part of the plane?

Marinette: *curious, but answers* Sure, what is it?

Adrien: Come with me, please.

Marinette: Okay.....

Chloe: *overhearing* Her!? Why not me!? You can talk to me about anything, Adrikins!

Adrien: Sorry, Chloe, but this is only between me and Marinette, so....

Marinette: Please don't bother.

Chloe: *growls* Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!!!!!

Then after that, Marinette follows Adrien to another part of the plane so that the two of them are alone. Then, Adrien reveals to Marinette that he's Cat Noir. And this shocked Marinette, who then reveals to him that she's Ladybug, and that only Alya knows about her identity.

Marinette: Okay, Adrien, what is it that you want to tell me?

Adrien: Marinette, there's something that I've wanted to tell you for the past 2 weeks now, but I've felt a bit uncomfortable about it until now.

Marinette: Adrien, what are you talking about?

Adrien: Marinette...... *sighs with confidence* I'm Cat Noir.

Marinette: *shocked* What?! You're Cat Noir?!

Adrien: Yes, Marinette. I've been Cat Noir this whole time.

Marinette: Adrien, I never realized that the person that I stopped loving was really my partner this whole time.

Adrien: Your partner?

Marinette: Yes, Adrien. The reason I said "partner" is because I'm Ladybug.

Adrien: What?! You were Ladybug this whole time as well!?

Marinette: Yes, and only Alya knows that I'm Ladybug.

Adrien: That's fine, but now, we can't let Monarch about our secret identities, now that we know each other's identity.

Tikki: Exactly, Adrien.

Plagg: So now what?

Marinette: Simple, Plagg, I'll Alya that....

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