Ares Island: UN-strong defenses

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Author's Note: I did watch the episode "Emotion" a bit, and I know that Argos/Felix learned his mistake, but I'm confessing/revealing this to you guys: Argos is only pretending to be an antagonist again, but his purpose is to observe Monarch and Sage's interactions, and hopefully, have them develop a father-daughter relationship on their own, with out even realizing it. Of course, the father-daughter relation will develop as the story goes on, but for now, enjoy the chatper!


After rescuing Mrs. Bustier out of Cyber Space, and meeting up with Su-Han, the whole group continued to walk with the soldier Kocos, until they came across a strange wall with a hole in the middle. Then, all of a sudden, the same red circle of light and cyber-energy that we saw back on Kronos Island appeared again, then a flash of light appeared and changed the area around them again, even showing Su-Han in his normal form. Then, they all saw the Koco/Ancients in their true forms. Then, one of the soldiers waved his arm, and from the sand, tall walls with two cannons each rose up, ready to be used. Marinette and Adrien reveal to their friends that they've seen this before, but this time, they're somehow being shown a battle from the past, and the others are impressed by the defenses. But suddenly, the ground shook a little bit. Then, strange lasers were shot from the sky, which caused some explosions, then another laser struck the wall sideways, blowing up the middle, which is the reason why the hole was created in the first place. Then, after the vision ends, while also reverting Su-Han back into his ghost-like state, and after a moment of silence for Koco, the gang continued to find more Cyber Space portals.

(the group continued walking with the soldier Kocos, when they came across a large wall)

Kagami: Wow. That's a big wall.

Mrs. Bustier: Clearly, Kagami. But, why is there a massive hole in it?

Rose: I have no idea, Mrs. Bustier.

(suddenly, the same red circle of light and cyber-energy appeared in the sky again)

Luka: What the-?!

(then in a flash, it changes the area around them, and even changes Su-Han to his normal form)

Su-Han: *looks at his hands* Huh? How am I whole?

Plagg: I have no idea, Grandmaster.

Tikki: But, look! *points to the soldier Kocos, who are in their true forms*

(The Koco soldiers/Ancients are standing in front of a cliffside, then, tall walls with 2 cannons on each of them appear and rise from the sand)

Marinette: Hey, hang on! Adrien, Tikki, Plagg and I have experienced this before!

Adrien: Yeah, but this time, we're somehow seeing a battle from the past.

Kagami: Well, those defenses are impressive!

Rose: Maybe we should get some notes for back home?

Su-Han: It's possible.

(And then, all of a sudden, the ground shakes, then laser strike from the sky, which cause explosions, then another laser strikes horizontally at the wall, causing a massive explosion, ending the vision)

Mrs. Bustier: Well, that was odd.

Rose: But, what sent those lasers?

Tikki: I have no idea, but that was really weird.

Plagg: But what about the Koco?

(they all walk to the front of the wall, only to see some of the soldier Koco "dead" (inate))

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