Chaos Island: The CHILVALRIC Clash!!!!!

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Author's Note: Okay, everyone! The third Titan battle! Now remember, the media you see above the title is the Titan theme/prelude theme to the main Titan battle theme. You can play it when Ladybug and Cat Noir land at the bottom of the crater, and stop it whenever, but preferably, when they transform into their super forms. But now, the story is 3/5 complete! Only two more Islands to go, then the story is complete. But that's not all, I'm having a huge announcement right after the story is done. For now, enjoy! And thanks for officially getting this story to 1K reads!!! Thank you all so much for your support!!!


After playing a bit of pinball in the volcano, Ladybug and Cat Noir caused the volcano to erupt, and also cause lava to burn away the cloud bank in the crater, revealing the third Titan as well. Therefore, this means that Ladybug and Cat Noir can go down there, and face the third Titan. But before they can do so, the two of them encounter Sage again, and after a short discussion about odds and the Ancients, Sage warps away again.

(Ladyug and Cat Noir are preparing to jump into the crater, and face the third Titan)

Fu: Ladybug, Cat Noir, both of you only have 6 Chaos Miraculouses, and you need all 7 of them to destroy it!

Chloe: Yeah, we still haven't found the last Chaos Miraculous, for that matter.

Ladybug: Don't worry, guys. The last Miraculous should be on the Titan's head.

Alix: And how do you even know about that?

Cat Noir: Well, you see, Alix, the last two Titans we destroyed had the Purple Chaos Miraculous on their heads, and Ladybug and I already know that it should be on the head.

Ivan: Well, sinse you put it like that, good luck, you two.

Nathaniel: Yeah, we'll watch from up here.

Marc: I'll bet that there's going to be a lot of action going on with the fight!

Zoe: Yeah, and I'll also bet that it'll be incredible!!!

Fluff: Yes, however, time's waisting! So, both of you better get down there when you're ready.

Max: Yeah, and good luck, you two!

Marianne: And goodness, do be careful!

Ladybug and Cat Noir: Thanks, everyone. We'll need it.

(then, all of a sudden, Sage appears again, and right behind both heroes)

Laybug: *spots Sage behind her* Oh, you again. Well, Cat Noir and I are coming up on the last Titan.

Cat Noir: *turns to face Sage* So, care to bet who'll be the winner this time?

Sage: Recalculating.... Your odds of victory have improved from "impossible" to "highly improbable".

Cat Noir: And those are the kind of odds Ladybug and I like to beat!

Ladybug: *to Cat Noir* Yep! *to Sage* So, these were built by the Ancients too, right? I'll admit, they're pretty powerful enemies. Did they manage to defeat the Ancients' enemies?

Sage: I can only hope that their next victim is both of you. *warps away*

Ladybug: Well.... that's that.... *to Cat Noir* Ready, kitt?

Cat Noir: You bet, bugaboo!

With that, Ladybug and Cat Noir jumped right into the crater. Then, once they land at the bottom, the third Titan rolls around with its roller feet on the ground, then on the crater walls, then it leaps into the air, and land perfectly back on the ground, and then its eye lights up. After what it did, both Ladybug and Cat Noir bravely glare at third Titan: The Chilvalric "KNIGHT". From there, both heroes try to figure out how they're going to get the last Chaos Miraculous. Then, as both heroes started running towards Knight, the Titan rolls around the ground, revealing multiple spikes, which Ladybug and Cat Noir dodge. Then suddenly, the Titan extends its left arm out, which is attatched by three ropes, and sends it to the ground, sending waves of spikes from the impacted area. Seeing this as an opportunity, and while dodging the spikes, Ladybug and Cat Noir jump onto the arm, which suddenly gets unstuck, and from there, both heroes use their weapons to launch themselves towards the head, and they land perfectly in front of the Purple Chaos Miraculous vault. And from there, Ladybug reaches her hand out, and the Purple Chaos Miraculous flies into her hand. Then, after a short conversation with all 7 Kwamis, the power of the Chaos Miraculouses carries them into the air, then Ladybug and Cat Noir transform into their Chaos Miraculous-enhanced super forms again. And from there, the battle began!!!!

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