Ouranos Island: Scramble for the Chaos Miraculouses (Part 5)

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Author's Note: Hey all! Quick update here: Since Sage told the heroes that The End is awakening by midnight of this day (story-wise, that is), they are going to be running for many hours instead of minutes, just so you know.


After getting Ray from the vault, Ladybug and Cat Noir continued running across the plains of Ouranos Island, then they ran back to the canyon, and when they went into the canyon, they found four strange statues. and when they observed the fourth statue, they spotted a strange purple orb on the top. But when Cat Noir touched it, the purple orb detatched itself from the statue, then it revealed a white wavy body and purple tentacles. It was really a guardian, which is called "Ghost". Seeing the guardian, the heroes and the four Kwamis realize that the guardian is tied to the statue, and the only way to defeat it is by destroying the statues. With that, Ladybug and Cat Noir Cylooped the four statues one by one, until finally the Ghost was destroyed. After that, two more portal gears were dropped and they were both picked up by Ladybug.

(they two heroes, along with the four Kwamis have just reached the canyon, whre they saw four strange statues)

Ladybug: *seeing the statues* Are those the things you saw, Cat Noir?

Cat Noir: Yep, those are the things that I saw.

Ray: What's with those statues?

Jet: They look familiar, but I can't seem to remember.

Ladybug: Well, we better get a closer look, but then we need to keep looking for the rest of the portals.

(they both walk into the canyon, and when they reach the fourth statue....)

Cat Noir: *spots something on the top of the fourth statue* Hey, Ladybug, look up there.

Ladybug: *looks up, and spots a strange orb* What is that orb?

Cat Noir: I have no idea. Although, why would an orb be attatched to a statue like this? *touches the statue when he said that*

(suddenly, the strange orb became active, then it detatched itself from the statue, then it revealed itself to be another guardian, called "Ghost")

Ladybug: *seeing this* It's another guardian!

Cat Noir: Okay, that was not what I expected....

(then, the guardian activated its power from the statue)

Knuckles: *seeing this* Ladybug, Cat Noir, you'll need to destroy the tower if you're going to defeat this thing!

Ladybug: Right! But, how do we destroy this thing?

Cat Noir: Wait... let me try using my Cyloop! *Cyloops the statue, destroying it*

Ghost: *shrieks, then flies over to the next statue, which activates its power*

Ladybug: *seeing this* That definetely worked, but it's gotten to the next statue!

Cat Noir: Let's go!

Ladybug and Cat Noir: *run towards the next tower, then Ladybug Cyloops it, causing it to be destroyed*

Ghost: *shrieks, then flies over to the next statue, which activates its power*

Sonic: *seeing this* There it goes again!

Cat Noir: After it!

Ladybug and Cat Noir: *run towards the next tower, then Cat Noir Cyloops it, causing it to be destroyed*

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