Kronos Island: Exploring the new land

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After Marinette, Adrien, and their respective Kwami partners, Tikki and Plagg, escaped from Cyber Space by some form of miracle, and ended up on Kronos Island, they were greeted by a mysterious voice who tells them to "find the 7 Chaos Miraculouses, destroy the titans, and tear down the walls between dimensions". And as such, the quartet began their journey to find and rescue all of their friends, while at the same time, accomplish the 3 tasks the voice gave them. First, they walked away from the structure they came from, and through a dead end in a gorge, despite the fact that it was still raining, then they came out of the gorge, and into an open field filled with grass, bushes and a few trees, and on their right, there was a tall rock wall, and on their left, there was a cliff leading straight into the ocean. This new environment surprised them, and they were amazed by this scenery.

Marinette: *seeing the environment; amazed* Wow! This place is incredible.

Adrien: You got that right, Marinette.

Tikki: What is this place?

Plagg: I don't know, Tikki. But I'll bet that we'll see more places like this along the way.

Adiren: Right, Plagg. Let's keep moving, guys.

And so, Adrien and Marinette continued walking through the open field, with their Kwamis floating with them, until they across 3 round, black circles on the ground, and they wondered what the circles were doing on the ground, that was until Adrien stepped on one of them, and then a cyan-colored triangle illuminated on the circle, and in response, Marinette stepped on another circle, and the same thing happened, then Adrien stepped on the last circle, with the same thing happening one more time. And then, all of a sudden, ripples of cyber energy spread out from the area, leaving the quartet shocked and confused.

Marinette: *seeing the circles* What the...? Why are there circles on the ground?

Adrien: I don't know but we need to..... *steps on a circle, which illuminates* Huh?

Tikki: It lit up!

Plagg: Marinette, can you do that on another one?

Marinette: I think so.... *does the same thing as Adrien, and the same thing happens* Woah!

Adrien: I'll do the last one. *does it again, and the same thing happens one last time* Now, all of them are lighting up.

Tikki: Now, what happens?

(Cyan-colored ripples appear and spread out from the area.)

Plagg: *seeing what's happening* Woah!!! That's cool!!

Marinette: How is this possible?

Adrien: I have no idea.

And that's when suddenly, in Marinette and Adrien's minds, they got the ability to actually see the whole map in their minds!

Marinette: Huh?! *sees the map in her head*

Adrien: What is it, Marinette? Woah! *also sees the map in his head*

Marinette: Adrien, did you see that?!

Adrien: Yeah, I just saw the whole map in my mind!!!

Tikki: Okay, that's weird, but cool!

Plagg: So where do we go from here?

Adrien: *pointing to the north* That way, come on!

Keeping this in mind (A/N: Sorry, I had to do that pun), the quartet kept on moving through the area, until they came across 4 strange objects that looked like spiked eggs, and when they cautiously approached them, they transformed into the same strange soldier-like robots we saw before, and in response, the two transformed into Ladybug and Cat Noir again (A/N: If you're wondering, yes, the Kwamis are recharged.), and they both fought against the strange robots until they were destroyed.

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