Ouranos Island: Scramble for the Chaos Miraculouses (Part 1)

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Author's Note: Here we go, people, the final part to the story! Now, heads up! The upcoming chapters are going to have the same title, but in multiple parts. However, the chapter parts are going to lead up to the ULTIMATE showdown chapter, which is coming soon.... For now, enjoy! And thanks for the 1.1K reads!!!


-Ouranos Island; Afternoon-

After learning that the mysterious voice is really the being that was sealed in Cyber Space, "The End", Monarch, Ladybug and Cat Noir had no choice but to team up in order to stop that thing. In order to stop it, though, they're going to need the 7 Chaos Miraculouses again, so Monarch teleported the 5 of them (including Argos and Sage) to the fifth/final Island, which is called Ouranos Island. On the grasses of the Island, a portal opens up, and Monarch, Argos, Sage, Ladybug and Cat Noir came out of the portal. From there, Ladybug and Cat Noir explains that in order to get the Chaos Miraculouses, they're going to have to go to Cyber Space to obtain vault keys in order to unlock the Chaos Miraculous vaults, however, all of the Cyber Space portals are deactivated, therefore they're going to have to destroy guardians to get portal gears to activate them.

(on Ouranos Island, a portal opens up, and from it, out came Monarch, Argos, Sage, Ladybug and Cat Noir)

Argos: *looking at the layout of the island* Wow! This place is amazing!

Monarch: Argos, we'll admire the scenery as we move forward. Remember, we're here to try and find the Chaos Miraculouses. How are we going to find them?

Cat Noir: Well, I'm glad you asked that, Monarch. You see, in order to find the Chaos Miraculouses, they should be locked away in vaults, and the only way to open the vaults is with the correct amount of vault keys.

Monarch: Okay, but how can we get vault keys, or for that matter, where can we get the keys from?

Ladybug: Well, Cat Noir and I can get the vault keys by going into Cyber Space, ang getting back out.

Argos: That reminds me.... Sage mentioned to Monarch and I that both of you have made numerous breaches into Cyber Space, and also made numerous escapes. How were you two able to do that?

Cat Noir: Now on that note... Felix.... (A/N: And yes, Ladybug and Cat Noir know that Argos is really Felix) Ladybug and I don't really know about that yet. But, we'll figure it out eventually.

Sage: But there's one problem.

Ladybug: *to Sage* And what would that be?

Sage: All of the Cyber Space portals on this island are deactivated. How can you go into Cyber Space if they're deactivated?

Ladybug: Well, that's the thing, Cat Noir and I are able to destory strong Guardian Robots, and after we destroy them, we're able to accquire portal gears which we can use to activate the portals.

Monarch: Okay. Now, we're going to waste time if we just keep standing here! Let's go find those Chaos Miraculouses before it's too late!!!!

Argos/Felix: Right, however, I suggest that we split up. Ladybug and Cat Noir will go find and defeat the guardians, while Monarch and I find some Cyber Space portals.

Cat Noir: You know, Felix... That's not a bad idea.

Ladybug: Yeah, I agree.

Monarch: Same here. *to Sage* And Sage, you shall assist Ladybug and Cat Noir. I'll call you when I need you.

Sage: As you wish, Monarch!

Ladybug: Alright, let's get going!!!!

From there, they group split up to find Cyber Space portals and guardians all across Ouranos Island. With Ladybug and Cat Noir, they came across a circle floating octagonal platforms that glowed cyan. And when Ladybug and Cat Noir jumped onto each one, they turned black, until all of the platforms became black. Then, ripples of cyan cyber-energy spread out from the area, and in turn, both heroes were able to see the whole map in their minds. From there, they kept on running, untill they came to a large patch of dirt, which was also near a large cliff. And in the middle of the area, they spotted another Tower guardian variant, but this one was red and black, and had a diamond shaped face. This guardian is called "Red Pillar". Seeing the guardian, Ladybug and Cat Noir charged right at it, however, Red Pillar launched numerous spikes from it, which they both dodge. Then they super jump upwards and they reach the head, and from there, they double punched the head really hard, causing the whole thing to blow up as a result. After that, two portal gears were dropped (and they glowed a green color), and were then picked up by Ladybug.

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