Ouranos Island: Scramble for the Chaos Miraculouses (Part 2)

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Author's Note: Hey everyone! Quick update here: I forgot to mention in the last chapter that the media above is the Ouranos Island theme that you can play in the background as you're reading. Of course, you can stop it whenever you come across a guardian battle or a Cyber Space stage. But keep in mind, after that, you can play the Ouranos Island theme again once you've past those two things. However, the music rules will be different in the upcoming showdown chapter of this story. But, I'll explain that when that chapter's done and published. For now, enjoy this chapter, and stay tuned for the other upcoming ones!!! And thanks for the 1.2K reads!!!!


After getting Sonic again, and explaining the whole situation to him, Ladybug and Cat Noir continue running across Ouranos Island to find more Cyber Space portals so that they can obtain more vault keys and open the rest of the vaults, and obtain the other six Chaos Miraculouses. As they continued running, they spot Argos/Felix standing in front of another Cyber Space portal, which is in front of a forest. Once they met up with Argos/Felix, both Ladybug and Cat Noir tell him that they're disappointed that he's decided to betray them again, like last time (A/N: And if you don't know what I'm talking about, go to MLB Season 4, episode 26 "Strikeback (Shadow Moth's final strike, Part 2)"). However, Argos/Felix gives a short explanation that he's only pretending to be a villain again, but he'll tell both of them what's he's going to do after the whole ordeal is over. After that, Ladybug activates the portal with the other gear that she got from destroying the Red Pillar guardian, then both she and Cat Noir warp into Cyber Space again.

(Ladybug and Cat Noir continued running, while Sonic flew with them, then they came in front of a forest)

Ladybug: Okay, another portal's got to be somewhere around here.

Cat Noir: But... where could it be?

Argos/Felix: *calling out to Ladybug and Cat Noir* Ladybug! Cat Noir!! Over here!!!!

Ladybug and Cat Noir: *turn to spot Argos/Felix standing next to another Cyber Space portal*

Sonic: *seeing Argos/Felix* Hey.. is that another one of your friends?

Ladybug: *spots Argos/Felix; a bit mad* Sort of, Sonic.

Cat Noir: You see... Felix is kind of a different person.

Sonic: *curious* How so?

Ladybug: It's a long story. But come on, let's go meet up with him.

Cat Noir: Right.

(they both run to the portal, and met up with Argos/Felix)

Argos/Felix: *seeing Ladybug and Cat Noir come up to him* About time you two showed up.

Ladybug: *irritated* Cut the chatter, Felix. Why are you even teaming up with Monarch?

Cat Noir: M'lady's right. Why did you betray us like last time?

Argos/Felix: Look, Ladybug, Cat Noir, I'm not betraying both of you this time. I'm only pretending to be Monarch's ally this time.

Ladybug: *confused* "Pretending"?

Cat Noir: So, are you going to betray him eventually?

Argos/Felix: Okay, that's for me to know, and not for both of you to find out until this whole thing is over. However, just so you know, I was the person who created Sage, and programed her to bond with Monarch's DNA.

Cat Noir: *confused* "Sage"? That's the strange girl's name?

Argos/Felix: Yes, that's her name. Now, hurry up and head to Cyber Space already! We're wasting time! I'll go on and keep looking for more guardians and portals. *super jumps away*

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