Bonus Chapter: Reviving Sage

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In Gabriele Agreste's work room in the Agreste Mansion, on his computer, he is typing something, while looking at the systems in the screen. Then, Nathalie Sancoeur comes in, and informs Gabriele that Adrien is spending time with Marinette. In response, Gabriele tells her that it's good, as it follows with what he's currently doing. Then, after Nathalie left the room, another woman sits next to him. This woman has blonde hair with a braid in it, and she's wearing a white long-sleeved shirt with black lines, and white pants with black lines, as well as high-heels on her feet. Then, Gabriele presses a button, then the whole system glitches and shows the symbol of the Ancients, then the voice of Sage is heard. Hearing Sage's voice again, Gabriele happily welcomes her "daughter" back.

(in Gabriele's work room, Gabriele is typing something on his computer)

Nathalie: *opens the door and walks in* Gabriele?

Gabriele: *stops typing for a moment, then turns to Nathalie* Yes, Nathalie?

Nathalie: I just wanted to let you know that Adrien is spending time with Marinette, just as you expected.

Gabriele: As I thought. That makes thing perfect with what I'm doing. You may leave now, Nathalie.

Nathalie: Yes, Mr. Agreste. *leaves the room, then closes the door*

Gabriele: *resumes typing*

??????: Are you certain that you can do this, Gabriele?

Gabriele: I'm certain of it. The USB drive Felix gave me should be enough to.....

(then he pushes a key, causing the whole system on his computer to glitch, then it shows the symbol of the Ancients on the screen, then a familiar voice is heard....)

??????: *seeing the glitch* Did it work?

Sage: Father...?

Gabriele: That's my girl.


And that's The End of the story......

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