Kronos Island: The GIGANTIC Showdown!

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Author's Note: Here you go, readers! The chapter you've been waiting for! The first Titan battle! If you're wondering about the music above, it's actually the prelude to the real titan boss theme. You can play it when Ladybug and Cat Noir reach the top of the waterfall, and then stop it whenever, preferably, when they obtain the last Chaos Miraculous. Now, this will happen for the other two Titan battle chapters, which are coming soon, but the story is now 1/5 complete! There'll be 4 more islands to explore, and there'll be some new challenges as well. Let me know in the comments about what you all think of the story so far. Is it good, or is it great? Let me know. Enjoy the chapter!!!!


After revealing the pathway up the waterfall, Ladybug and Cat Noir start climbing up the fall, until the managed to reach the top. And when they reached the top, they both hear a loud roar coming from a small trail on the right side of the river, in the middle of a split in a hill. In response, the two super-jumped across the river, then they started running through the canyon.

Ladybug: *looking at the waterfall* You ready, kitty?

Cat Noir: You bet, bugaboo.

Ladybug: Okay. Then let's go.

(they start climbing up the waterfall)

Ladybug: *uses her yo-yo as a grapling hook to pull her self up*

Cat Noir: *uses his staff to launch himself up the rocky cliff behind the falls*

(they almost reach the top)

Cat Noir: We're almost there, M'lady.

Ladybug: Right. Our friends are counting on us!

(they finally reach the top)

Ladybug: *exhausted* Whew! We made it!

Cat Noir: *exhausted* Yeah, but where do we go from here now?

(suddenly, they hear a loud roar)

Ladybug: Wait, was that the....?!

Cat Noir: The Titan!! Where is it?

Ladybug: *spots an opening in a hill* Cat Noir, over there!!

Cat Noir: *sees the opening as well* Okay, looks like we'll have to go through there!

Ladybug: Exactly! Let's go!

(they both super-jump across the river, then they start running through the canyon)

Ladybug and Cat Noir continued running through the canyon, but they still saw no sign of the last Chaos Miraculous, and they ran, and ran, and ran, until finally, the came to another opening, which lead to a very large arena-like area, and in the middle of the area, there stood the first Titan: The fearsome "GIGANTO". And in response, both heroes jumped down to the lower ground in the area.

(Ladybug and Cat Noir continue running)

Ladybug: *while running* There's still no sign of the last Miraculous.

Cat Noir: I know I did say, we'll find it along the way, but there's still no luck finding it.

(the they came to another opening, where they saw....)

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