Starfall Islands: The new Guardians of the Chaos Miraculouses

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After the ultimate demise of The End, an explosion was seen in the sky all around the Earth. and seeing the explosion, everyone realizes that The End is finally destroyed, and that Earth is saved!!! In response to this, everyone celebrates in honor of Ladybug and Cat Noir's victory..

(in the sky above the surface, an explosion is seen all around the globe....... and a silence falls over the people of the world)

-Paris, France-

André Bourgeois: *shocked at seeing this* They..... did it.....

Audrey Bourgeois: *shocked at seeing this* They.... won.....

André and Audrey Bourgeois: *celebrate* THEY WON!!!!!!

(then, the whole city celebrates at Ladybug and Cat Noir's victory)

Tom: YES!!! THEY DID IT!!!

Sabine: They saved the Earth!!

Jagged Stone: OH YEAAAH!!!

Roger Raincomprix: They saved all of us!!!

Xavier Romier: *talking to his pigeon friends* My little friends! Ladybug and Cat Noir did it!!

Ella and Etta Césaire: YES!!!! We're all saved from that being!!!!!

(the people of paris continues celebrating)

-New York City-

(In New York, the citizens are also celebrating, even some of the United Heroez)

Olympia Hill: Oh, thank goodness, they did it!

Aeon: They did, Mother! I've calculated that both of them have 100% survived the explosion!!


Jessica Keynes: Got that right, Liiri! They really did it!!

Barbara Keynes: Indeed they did. I'm not sure how they managed to destroy that thing, but they truly are miraculous.

(they all continue celebrating)

-Shanghai, China-

(in Shanghai, everyone os celebrating, including Fei and the Renlings)

Fei: YES!!! YES!!! They did it!

Long Long: They truly have the justice to save us all.

Xiong Xiong: Indeed they did.

Tang Tang: I guess they had to be patient for the right moment to finish it off.

She She: The two of them really are brave.

Ma Ma: And very honorable!

Ying Ying: Have a lot of confidence when they both heard everyone's hopes.

Hou Hou: They cared for everyone they helped.

Hu Hu: And as long as they held onto everyone's hopes, a miracle can happen.

Fei: *to the Renlings* You guys are right. And I told you all that I have hope for those two.

(the citizens continue celebrating)

-London, England-

(in London, the people are celebrating at Earth safety thanks to Ladybug and Cat Noir, even Felix's mother)

Amelie Graham de Vanily: Oh, Thank you, Ladybug and Cat Noir!! You saved all of us!!!!

(the people continue celebrating)

-Ouranos Island; Early Sunrise-

Back on Ouranos Island, even the explosion was seen in the sky, then suddenly, a wormhole appeared in the sky, then it revealed all of Ladybug and Cat Noir's friends, meaning that they are all now prememantly freed from Cyber Space. Then, they look into the sky to see an amazing starfall event happening. As this happened, Alya spotted two golden glows, and realizes that it's really Super Ladybug and Super Cat Noir coming back to the surface!

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