Kronos Island: The path up the waterfall

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After encountering that strange vision, the gang split up and scattered all across Kronos Island in search of the last Chaos Miraculous, but as of now, they can't find it. With Alya (in case you keep forgetting, she's still in her ghost-like state) and Nino, however, they were in a large field of flowers and the latter was still comforting Alya from her grief of the Koco, then suddenly, the others met up with them. From there, Alya reveals that the vision showed a love that transcended time. Then, the others agreed that when the whole thing is over, they should share that kind of love with the world.

Nino: *comforting Alya* Hey, babe. It's alright. The Koco's with her true love now.

Alya: I know, Nino. But, I'm not sure what that was...

(then, the others meet up with them)

Mylene: Hey. Still thinking about the Koco, Alya?

Alya: Yeah. And..... more.

Juleka: Like what?

Alya: Well, I'm not sure what happened, but I know what we saw: a love that transcended time. I believe in that power.

Mr. Damocles: Really?

Sabrina: That kind of power does sound strong.

Alya: Yeah, Sabrina. When this is over, I want all of us to share that love with the world. Even though..... it may take us far apart.

Marinette: Alya, we know you'll do great.

Adrien: Yeah, we want to hear all about it when you come back.

Alya: *smiles* Thanks everyone.

Suddenly, Tikki and Plagg flew up to them, then they followed them to some strange pillars that are filled with cyan colored cyber-energy, and some of the pillars can be rotated into the right place. And they also saw a pattern on the ground, meaning that it must be a puzzle to unlock something.

Tikki and Plagg: Guys!!! Everyone!!

Alya: What is it?

Tikki: We found something!!!!

Plagg: Over by the waterfall!!!

Nino: Can you two show what it is?

Plagg: Sure thing! Follow us!!! *they start flying to the spot, while everyone else follows them*

(near the waterfall, at some strange pillars, everyone meet up with Tikki and Plagg)

Juleka: *seeing the pillars* Woah... what is this?

Tikki: That's what Plagg and I were wondering.

Mylene: I don't know about you guys, but I think we can interact it some of them.

Adrien: Sounds like this could be a puzzle that can show Marinette, Tikki, Plagg and I a way to the Titan.

Sabrina: Yeah, and it's worth a shot.

Mr. Damocles: But, how so we solve it?

Alya: *looks at the ground* Hey, it looks like there's a pattern on the ground.

Adrien: Maybe, if we match the pattern on the ground, the pathway to the Titan can be revealed?

Marinette: Only one way to find out. Let's move some of these pillars.

With that said, the gang moved each pillar to try to match the pattern on the ground, but they failed, and failed, and failed, and failed. Until finally, they got the pattern right, as it looked like some kind of flying creature. Then, on top of the waterfall, a strange statue with black wings on its back rose from the ground, and split the waterfall in two, right down the middle, revealing the path to the Titan. (A/N: Look at the video below)

Seeing this, everyone went up close to the waterfall, and saw the statue and the revealed pathway. Then Alya now realizes that the big showdown is now coming, but Tikki tells them that it will be a very short battle without the last Chaos Miraculous. And Nino then reveals that they searched everywhere that they could, but it's not anywhere. Thinking that they'll find it along the way, Marinette and Adrien both transformed into Ladybug and Cat Noir, then they both prepared to go up the waterfall to face the Titan.

Mr. Damocles: *seeing the pathway up the waterfall* Hey, look! There's a pathway up the waterfall!!

Juleka: I see it!

(Everyone came up close to the waterfall)

Sabrina: We did it, guys!!!

Nino: Yes!! The path is now revealed!

Mylene: It was really behind the waterfall this whole time.

Alya: And that's not all! I'm sensing the Titan up ahead there! *to Marinette, Adrien, Tikki and Plagg* This is it, you guys! The big showdown!!!

Tikki: But it'll be a short match without the last Chaos Miraculous, though, Alya.

Nino: We searched everywhere we could. But we can't find it.

Mr. Damocles: Now, we're all out of ideas.

Juleka: Sorry, guys.

Plagg: Great, so where could it be?

Adrien: Maybe we'll find it along the way, Plagg.

Marinette: Yes. But right now, we need to head up the waterfall and face that Titan. Therefore, we'll have to transform, Adrien.

Tikki: *shocked* Wait, now?!

Marinette: *to Tikki* Yes, now. We are going to take on the Titan, so we have to be ready.

Plagg: Marinette's right, Tikki. We have to transform our holders so that they can climb up the falls

Tikki: Okay. Let's do this!

Adrien: That's the spirit, Tikki. *to Marinette* Ready, Marinette?

Marinette: You bet, Adrien.

Marinette and Adrien: Tikki/Plagg, spots on/claws out!! *transform into Ladybug and Cat Noir*

Alya: Be careful, you two.

Cat Noir: We'll be fine, Alya.

Ladybug: Trust us. *to Cat Noir* Now, let's go take down that Titan.

Cat Noir: Right!


Author's Note: Well, everyone, here we go!!! The Titan battle is coming up! Now that this chapter's done, I'll start working on the next chapter right now. Also, thanks for getting this story to over 200 reads! Let's get this to over 250 next! See you in the next Chapter!!!

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