Kronos Island: The Yellow and Cyan Chaos Miraculouses

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After discovering and learning a bit about the Koco, the gang split up to accomplish their goals, with Marinette and Adrien and their Kwamis, they continued to walk along the grasses of the island, but eventually, they ran into the others again, but they were in front of a forest and near another cliff, and they saw Alya (who again, is still in her ghost-like form) talking with the Koco. But as they watched this, all of a sudden, the strange girl appeared again, and tells the group to submit for their reckless actions will endanger the world. And when Marinette asks the girl to explain why saving everyone is bad, she replies that Marinette is an enemy combatant, and that she will not share data with her. This made Alya mad, to which she proclaims that Marinette and Adrien would never hurt anyone, and that they're helping the Koco reunite with her true love. Then, deciding that they're all too ignorant to be helped, the girl warps away.

Adrien: Hey guys!

Sabrina: Shh!

Marinette: *whispering* Why'd you shush Adrien like that, Sabrina?

Mylene: *whispering* Because of that. *points to Alya talking with the Koco*

Tikki and Plagg: *whispering* Okay....

Nino: *whispering* Yeah, you might want to not disturb this.

Marinette: *whispering* Okay... sorry about that.

Mylene: *whispering* It's fine.

(the all watch Alya talking with the Koco, when suddenly....)

Marinette, Adrien, Tikki and Plagg: *turn to see the strange girl again; angrily* YOU AGAIN?!

Girl: Submit. Your reckless actions endanger the world.

Marinette: *to the girl* Care to explain how saving our friends is a bad thing?

Girl: *to Marinette* You are an enemy combatant. I will not share data with you.

Alya: *to the girl; angry* What is wrong with you!? Marinette and Adrien would never endanger anyone! They're even going to help this Koco reunite with her one true love!

Girl: "Love". An emotional status too vague and varied in its definition. *scoffs* UGH! You're all too ignorant to be helped! *warps away from the group*

Alya: *confused* Who.... um what was that girl?

Tikki: Aside from being a pain? No clue.

Plagg: Neither of us know who that weird girl is, Alya.

Then, Nino spotted a beam of yellow light, and when he informed everyone about this, Marinette, Adrien, Tikki and Plagg immediately realize that another vault's been unlocked. Then, after running through the forest, and scaling up another cliff, they found the next vault which held the Yellow Chaos Miraculous. From there, Marinette and Adrien used the three vault keys they recently acquired, they unlocked the inner vault, and the Yellow Chaos Miraculous floated to Adiren's hand. Like the other three Chaos Miraculouses, the Yellow Miraculous is a necklace, but the pendant on this one resembled a Flying Squirrel. Then, a small orb of yellow light appeared, then it revealed itself to be Ray, the Kwami of the Flying Squirrel Chaos Miraculous.

Nino: *spots the yellow beam of light* Hey, guys, look!!!

Everyone: Huh? *turn to see the beam as well*

Mylene: What's that beam of light? Could it mean something?

Marinette: *realizes, then gasps* Adrien, another vault's been unlocked!!

Adrien: *also realizes* Exactly!! *to the others* Come on, guys! We got another Chaos Miraculous to get!

(the whole group runs toward the vault, while the Koco just rolls with them. A few moments later.....)

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