Ares Island: Koco at a bunker

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Meanwhile, back on Ares Island, after getting the Yellow Chaos Miraculous again, the group continued to walk across the sands of the island, until after a few more minutes of walking, they encountered yet another Cyber Space portal, but unfortunately, they don't have anymore portal gears to activate it. Then, all of a sudden, a group of 6 Soldier robots appeared, but they had a purple color scheme on their legs. Seeing the robots, Marinette and Adrien quickly battled against the robots, and destroyed all of them, then another portal gear appeared from the remains of one of them. Then, Tikki picked up the gear, then used it to activate the portal, then, Marinette, Adrien, Tikki and Plagg all touched the gear icon together, then they warped into Cyber Space again.

(the group continued walking along the sand and rocks, and after a few more minutes of wandering.....)

Kim: *spots another Cyber Space portal* Hey, what's that?

Luka: That's another Cyber Space portal, Kim.

Kim: It looks kind of cool.

Mrs. Bustier: But this one's deactivated. How many gears do we have?

Adrien: Unfortunately, we already used the last two gears to activate the last one, Mrs. Bustier.

Rose: Then, how are we going to activate it?

Kagami: I have no idea, Rose.

Su-Han: *spots 6 Soldier robots appear* Um... I don't think that they're on our side. *points to them*

Everyone: *turns to see the soldier robots*

Adrien: More of those guys! Come on, Marinette!

Marinette: Right!!

Marinette and Adrien: *charge right at the robots, battled, then eventually destroy all 6 of them*

Su-Han: Impressive, you two. You both destroyed those beings without having to transform.

Tikki: Yeah, but that's not the first time they've done that.

Plagg: *spots a portal gear* Hey, Marinette, Adrien, there's a portal gear!!

Marinette and Adrien: Huh? *turn around to see the gear*

Adrien: The gear!!!

Tikki: I'll get this one!! *flies over and pick up the gear*

Marinette: Great work, Tikki. Now, let's activate this portal, and head to Cyber Space.

Tikki: Okay!

(the quartet head onto the portal pedestal, then Tikki inserts the gear into the slot, to which the portal activates)

Plagg: Nice, Tikki.

Tikki: Thanks, Plagg.

Marinette: Alright, you ready, guys?

Adrien, Tikki and Plagg: Yep.

(they all touch the gear icon, then they warp into Cyber Space again)

-Cyber Space (Area 2-6)-

In Cyber Space, Marinette, Adrien, Tikki and Plagg have entered the dimension again, but the layout is similar to the Art room in the Louvre Museum. As they pondered why they would be there, suddenly, a clone of Reverser appeared on his giant paper airplane, and in response, Marinette and Adrien quickly transformed on their superhero alter-egos and began the battle against the Reverser clone. In the midst of the fight, Ladybug remembered that Reverser has the power to invert people (strong become weak, brave become cowardice, you get the idea). Then, Reverser clone tosses two small paper airplanes at the heroes, and they dodge the planes, however, the clone hits Ladybug with one on his paper airplanes, which made her clumsy again, then Ladybug falls on her back then launches Cat Noir in the air with her feet, to which the latter used his cataclysm to destroy the large paper airplane, resulting in the Reverser clone to vanish. Then afterwards, the two walk to the portal, then warp back to Ares Island.

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