Ares Island: Grandmaster in the dunes

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After crash-landing on Ares Island after the amazing battle back on Kronos Island, the 7 Chaos Miraculouses scattered all across the island, meaning that Marinette, Adrien, Tikki and Plagg will have to collect them again in order to destroy the next Titan. Right now, the quartet is exploring the sandy environment, and suddenly, they spot a new enemy that almost looked like an umbrella, but it was called "Jellyfish", and seeing this new enemy, Marinette and Adrien tried to attack it, but Jellyfish jumped into the air, and released little drones, and seeing this, Marinette and Adrien jumped onto each little drone, until they reached the enemy, and attacked it multiple times until it was destroyed.

(they quartet is currently walking amongst the sands of the island)

Marinette: Whew! It feels hot on this island.

Tikki: Well, then again, this place almost looks like a desert.

Plagg: Yeah, I wish there was some water around here.

Marinette: You mean like an oasis, Plagg?

Plagg: Yeah.

Adrien: *spots something* Hey, guys, I think I'm seeing an umbrella over there.

Marinette: *sees the object as well* Oh, good, we could use the shelter from the heat.

Adrien: Well, come on!

(they run towards the "umbrella", but it suddenly jumps into the air, meaning that it's another enemy called "Jellyfish")

Adrien: What the-!?

Marinette: You gotta be kidding me!

Adrien: Looks like I was wrong, it's another enemy!

Marinette: Time to take this sucker down!!

Jellyfish: *launches drones at them*

Tikki: Marinette! Adrien!! Try using the drones!!

Marinette: Got it!

(Marinette and Adrien jump onto the drones, then they reach Jellyfish, then they destroy it)

Adrien: Got it!!

Plagg: Nice job, you two!

Marinette: Thanks, Plagg. Now let's keep moving.

With that said, the quartet continued to walk across the sands, until, they spotted an oasis, then they spotted a strange statue, and it acted like it was punching bag when they punched it. And after a few punches, the statue got destroyed, then suddenly, just like with Kronos Island, ripples of cyber-energy spread from area around them, then Marinette and Adrien were able to see the whole map of Ares Island in their minds as well.

Plagg: *spots an oasis* Hey guys! Look!

Adrien: *also spots the oasis* I see the oasis! Is that what you just saw, Plagg?

Plagg: Yeah!

Tikki: Come on! Let's go!

Marinette: Alright!!

(they all head to the oasis)

Adrien: *feels the cool water with his hand* Ahh, yes, that's good.

Marinette: *spots a strange statue* Hey, what's that statue over there?

Tikki: *also sees the statue* I don't know.

Plagg: Should we check it out?

Adrien: Might as well.

(they head to the strange statue)

Tikki: What on Earth is this?

Marinette: I've never seen a statue like this.

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