Ares Island: The crane and the cave

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After helping the soldier Koco get to the bunker, getting the Cyan and White Chaos Miraculouses, the group continued their way across the sands and rocks of the Island, but as mid-sunset rolled around, they came across a dead end and found 4 different colored spheres and holders, as well as an unusual crane. Thinking that it can be used to open the path to the next Titan, Ladybug and Cat Noir decides to use it, however, Su-Han reminds them that they need all 7 Chaos Miraculouses in order to destroy the Titan, and they only have 6. Then Cat Noir reveals that the last titan had the Purple Chaos Miraculous on it head, so it should be there, on the next titan's head. Then, Ladybug and Cat Noir decice to use the crane to match the spheres into the corect holders

(the whole group continues walking through the desert, and then after a few minutes of walking, and by the time mid-sunset came around.... they stumbled across a dead end with 4 different colored spheres and holders, and an unusual crane)

Mrs. Bustier: *seeing the objects* Woah! What is this?

Su-Han: I don't think we've encountered these things before, and they seem to be active.

Cat Noir: The same happened like this back on Kronos Island.

Luka: Really?

Ladybug: Yeah, but let's just call it a little "divine intervention".

Kim: Maybe this whole thing is a giant puzzle?

Kagami: If it is, why is it even here?

Ladybug: Well, Kagami, if Cat Noir and I can solve the lock's code, it should lead us the pathway to the flying Titan.

Su-Han: Hold up, Ladybug. Both you and Cat Noir need all 7 Chaos Miraculouses, right? You're still missing one.

Rose: Su-Han's right. That thing will just tear both of you to shreds!

Cat Noir: Well, the last Titan was holding the Purple Miraculous on its head.

Ladybug: so, we're willing to bet that it's the same deal here.

Kagami: Right, however, both of you need to reveal the path.

Ladybug: Right, Kagami. *thinks* Hmm.... let's see....

Mrs. Bustier: Well, it looks like that the spheres and holders seem to have corresponding colors.....

Su-Han: So if both of you match them up, both of you can reveal the pathway to the next Titan.

Ladybug: Right. Okay, Cat Noir, ready?

Cat Noir: You bet, Ladybug. Time to match the colors.

With that said, Ladybug and Cat Noir got to the crane control, and then they activated it, allowing them to move the crane. From there, they matched the white sphere to the white holder, the blue sphere to the blue holder, the yellow sphere to the yellow holder, and the red sphere to the red holder, completeing the puzzle as a result. Then suddenly, the ground shook up, and then a giant stone sphere burst out from the wall, and in the midst of the rubble and settling dust, it revealed a cave, which is the pathway to the next Titan. (A/N: Play the video below)

After the pathway to the Titan is revealed, they all prepare themselves to go through the cave, and face the next Titan.

Su-Han: Huh. You two did it.

Mrs. Bustier: Nice work, Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Cat Noir: Was there ever any doubt, Mrs. Bustier?

Ladybug: Okay, everyone, we're going to face the Titan. Ready to go face impossible odds?

Kim: I'm ready!

Rose: Me too!

Kagami: Indefinetely.

Luka: Of course I am. After all, we've faced worse situations in the past.

Su-Han: Alright, here we go! Just try to keep up!

Cat Noir: Woah, hey! That's my line!

Ladybug: It doesn't matter, kitty. Right now, let's go, everyone!!!

(they all prepare to charge right into the cave and go through it)


Author's Note: Alright, readers, the next Titan battle is in the next chapter! Also, thank you all so much for getting ths story to over 500 reads this time!!! Let's see if we can get to either 600 or possibly 800 reads before the year's over and 2023 begins!! Later, readers!!!! See you in the next chapter!!!

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