Ares Island: Throwdown in the SKIES!!!

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Author's Note: Okay everyone! The 2nd Titan battle chapter is here!!! Now remember: Just like the previous Titan battle chapter, the media above is the prelude music to the real Titan boss theme, and you can begin it right now, and then stop it whenever, but preferably, when Ladybug and Cat Noir turn into their new Super forms again. But now, the story is officially 2/5 complete! Also, if you're wondering why the title's "throwdown" instead of "showdown", it's because I talked about it with my little sister about it, and she suggested that I use different forms of the word "showdown" that mean the same definition as it, so that's why it's called "throwdown in the skies". For now, enjoy the chapter!!! Also, thanks for getting this story to over 550 reads!!!


After revealing the pathway that leads through a cave, Ladybug, Cat Noir, Su-Han, and their friends prepare themselves go right into the cave to confront the next Titan. While inside the cave, they made a few twists and turns through the tunnel, until eventually, they found the opening of the cave, and, by the time night came around, the group walked right out of the cave, which is revealed to have lead them to a large area filled with white sand and another tower simlar to the one back on Kronos Island.

Ladybug: Okay, everyone.... let's go!!!

Cat Noir: Charge!!!

(they all go into the cave)

Luka: Well, so far, so good.

Su-Han: Yep. This might take a while, though.

Rose: Yeah, who knows hoow long we'll be in this cave.

Kagami: Ladybug, are you sure this is the way to the Titan?

Ladybug: Yes, I'm sure. We should be nearing the exit sooner or later.

Kim: You ain't kidding! I can already see the exit.

Mrs. Bustier: Good!! We'll be out of here in no time at all!

(they continue running, then they reach the end and exit of the cave, where they just came across a large area with white sand, and a tower similar to the one on Kronos Island)

Luka: *seeing the area* Woah!!

Kim: That's a lot of sand.

Rose: Clearly, and look at that tower over there!

Cat Noir: Yeah, it looks like the one back on Kronos Island.

Mrs. Bustier: Looks like it, but then again, neither of the rest of us have been to Kronos Island.

Su-Han: Right.... But I don't know, is the next Titan really here, Ladybug?

Ladybug: It has to be.

Kagami: But where is it?

(they started looking around the area)

As they observed the area, suddenly, the next Titan that chased Marinette, Adrien, their Kwamis and Luka earlier flew down from the sky, and around the tower, then it roared. The flying Titan: "WYVERN". Seeing the Titan, Ladybug and Cat Noir charged at the tower, and climbed up it to catch Wyvern, while the others stayed on the ground.

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