Chaos Island: Chloe's character buildup!

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After learning that the bridge is out, the group began figuring out how to lower it. Then, Nathaniel suggests that the switch is on the other side. Acknowledging this, Ladybug and Cat Noir charge right at the raised up bridge, then they use their weapons to launch themselves across the bridge, then they find the switch, which they push, and in turn, it caused the raised up part of the bridge to lower, and complete the connection to the sub-island. Then, after the other ran across and met up with the heroes, the Cyan Chaos Miraculous appears in the sky, then it's taken by Ladybug after it floats to them, and from that point, the whole group shared a victory dance together. Then after having a small chat with Tempest, they spot the Koco mechanic near another ancient cannon. The Koco mechanic places the last of the parts in the cannon, to which Chloe reveals that it's the last of the defensive measures. And the others are proud of the Koco mechanic, then suddenly, a strange light appears from the Koco mechanic, which then flies into the air, leaving the Koco to become inate and fall lifeless. Then, Ladybug and Cat Noir tell Chloe that they're proud of her too, whom the latter thanks.

(the group continued searching for a way to lower the bridge)

Nathaniel: There should be a switch somewhere....

Marc: Well, I don't see one!

Chloe: Okay, here's a thought; maybe the switch is on the other side of the bridge?

Marianne: I think that it's possible.

Ivan: Ladybug, Cat Noir, you two think you can go to the other end of the bridge to find the switch?

Ladybug: I think that's a possibility.

Cat Noir: Right. Come on, Ladybug. Time to bridge the gap!

(then they both start running towards the bridge)

Fu: *seeing this* Good luck, you two..

Ladybug and Cat Noir: *use their weapons to launch themselves over to the other side of the bridge*

Cat Noir: *finds the switch* There's the switch!

Ladybug: Chloe was right, it was on the other side of the bridge.

(they both walked up to the switch, then activated it, which caused the raised part of the bridge to lower, completing the walkway between islands, and once the bridge is lowered, everyone else ran across it, and met up with Ladybug and Cat Noir)

Nathaniel: You did it!

Zoe: The bridge is down!!

Chloe: I knew that the switch was on the other side!

Ivan: Yes, you were.

(then suddenly, the Cyan Chaos Miraculous appeared in the air, then floated down tto Ladybug, who then grabs it)

Max: *gets an idea* Hey, you guys thinking what I'm thinking?

Marc: Another victory dance?

Max: Yep.

Cat Noir: Might as well.

Everyone: VICTORY DANCE!!! *they all perform a short dance*

(after the dance, Tempest appears from the pendant)

Tempest: Oh, hello again, Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Ladybug: Hey, Tempest.

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