Chaos Island: Pinball in the volcano

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After reconciling with Chloe, Ladybug, Cat Noir and the others continue walking to the location of the White Chaos Miraculous. Once they got to where the last vault was, they discovered that it was on one of two floating cone-like structures, then they spotted another floating platform, then Ladybug and Cat Noir, along with Chloe (who is still in her ghost-like state), hop onto it, then the platform carries them up to the floating structure, and the vault. And before they can get the White Chaos Miraculous, Chloe recalls that the whole reason for coming to the Starfall Islands is because they had a field trip to explore the islands, then she puts some of the pieces together, revealing that the technology must've been on "stand-by mode" without the Chaos Miraculouses to power them. And after the conversation, Ladybug and Cat Noir obtain the White Chaos Miraculous, and after a short conversation with Tangle, the trio head back to the others.

(they continued walking across the island, then they spot a white beam of light coming from one of the two floating cole-like pillars)

Alix: *seeing the white beam* Guys, is that where the next Miraculous is?

Marianne: It must be.

Marc: Right, but how on Earth are we going to get up there?

Max: *spots a floating platform* Hey, there's a floating platform, maybe we can use that to get up to the next vault.

Fu: Right, however, Ladybug and Cat Noir are the only ones out of us that can unlock the vault, so they should get on that platform.

Nathaniel: True, however, that platform looks like it can hold up to 3 people. Therefore, some else is gonna have to go up there with them.

Zoe: Okay, I'll admit, I'm a bit nervous to go on that thing.

Ivan: Yeah, same here, besides, given my size, I'm not sure it can hold my weight.

Chloe: Okay, I'll go with Ladybug and Cat Noir, if they want to, that is.

Ladybug: That fine with us, Chloe.

Cat Noir: Come on, you two, let's get that Chaos Miraculous.

(the trio get onto the platform, then it begins carrying them up to the next vault)

Cat Noir: And here we are.

Ladybug: *spots the vault* And there's the vault. Come on, Cat Noir.

Chloe: *realizes something* Hey, guys, wait. *then both Ladybug and Cat Noir turn around to face her*

Ladybug: What is it, Chloe?

Cat Noir: Did something cross your mind?

Chloe: Well, yes, the whole reason we came here is because we had a field trip here... right?

Cat Noir: Yeah, and that's when all of this happened.

Chloe: Yeah, and I'm also trying to put the pieces together. I mean, look at this. *points to the vault* The Ancients' technology was probably built for the Chaos Miraculouses, and runs on their power.

Ladybug: And I'm guessing that all of the Starfall Island systems, even Cyber Space, was kind of in a stand-by mode if the Chaos Miraculoses aren't ever here to power them?

Chloe: Exactly! And once the power supply was restored, though, someone would've had to like.... boot up the systems and get them running.

Cat Noir: And I think I can guess who.....

Chloe: Monarch?

Cat Noir: Yeah, probably. But for now, let's get that Miraculous.

(Ladybug and Cat Noir walk near the vault, then they pull out the vault keys, which are then absorbed by the vault, then the White Chaos Miraculous flies into Cat Noir's hands)

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