Ares Island: Encountering Sage again

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After the sudden encounter with the next Titan, the group continued to navigate their way across the island, right now, they walked away from the oasis, and headed to the east according to the map in their minds, then headed south-east towards a group of small islands nearby, and on one of them, another deactivated Cyber Space portal was there. Then, they all crossed the bridges that connected the separate islands with the main one, then they made it to the Cyber Space portal, where they used the other portal gear that they got from one the guardians to activate it, then the group, minus Luka, warped into Cyber Space again.

(the group is currently walking away from the oasis after that encounter with the 2nd Titan)

Luka: Well, I have to admit, that Titan was strange.

Plagg: Yeah, but at least we're all still alive.

Tikki: Yeah, but where do we go from here? Cause I think we're lost.

Adrien: Wait, I think I got this. *closes his eyes, and sees the map of the island in his mind, then opens them, and points straight in front of him* That way!

Plagg: Okay.

(they all continue walking to the east, and after a few hours or so.....)

Luka: Okay, where to now?

Marinette: My turn. *does the same thing as Adrien, then points to the southeast direction, and towards a set of three islands* Over that way!!

Tikki: Okay! Let's go!!

(they walk towards the islands, then on the third island.....)

Luka: *spots a Cyber Space portal* Wait, look! Another Cyber Space portal!!

Tikki: Yes!!!

Plagg: We found another one!!!

Luka: Got that right, Plagg. By the way, how did you two do that?

Marinette: Do what?

Luka: How did you and Adrien figure out where we should go?

Adrien: Well, Luka, you see when Marinette and I interact with a strange item, we automatically learn the whole layout of the land.

Marinette: It's like the island's beaming a GPS signal right into our brains. Pretty cool, right?

Luka: It is, and I'm sure that it's the Ancients' doing as well. I wonder what it does in their language?

Tikki: Come to think of it, you guys don't actually see it printed anywhere in the villages.

Plagg: I guess the true meaning is lost to time.

Marinette: Possible, Plagg. But right now, we need to head to Cyber Space.

Luka: Okay, but I'll stay behind and wait for you guys.

Adrien: Okay, Luka.

(they activate the portal with the gear, then the four of them touch the gear icon, then warp into Cyber Space)

-Cyber Space (Area 2-2)-

In Cyber Space, Marinette, Adrien, Tikki and Plagg have entered the digital dimension again, but the layout is similar to the inside of the Louvre Museum, and this was sort of familiar to Adrien. Then suddenly, a clone of Riposte dropped from the ceiling, and challenged the quartet to a duel. Quickly transforming, Ladybug and Cat Noir began the duel against the Riposte clone. Cat Noir used his staff like a sword to block each of Riposte's attacks. Then, Ladybug uses her lucky charm ability, which apparently created a knightly sword this time. Using this, Ladybug joins her partner in the blade-to-blade combat with the Riposte clone. After a few clashes with the clone, Ladybug and Cat Noir both destroyed the clone's blade at the same time, which resulted in the clone to disappear. Then, Ladybug summoned her Miraculous Ladybug, and again, nothing got fixed. However, They spotted Kagami Tsurugi behind a statue of a french warrior, and they met up with her. Then, after Ladybug and Cat Noir revealed their secret identities to Kagami, much to her shock, the latter promised not to tell her mom or anyone else about this. Then, they walk to the portal, then warp back to Ares Island.

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