Kronos Island: Old friends, new foes, and a COLOSSAL challenge

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After Marinette, Adrien, Tikki, Plagg, and Nino acquired the 1st Chaos Miraculous, and admired the open areas of Kronos Island, they walked away from the vault, and across the grassy plains of the island. Then, as they were walking through the plains, Tikki spotted something red behind some bushes. And when the others went to investigate, they found a strange looking orb that looked like a cage, and they saw a person inside it. But when they got a closer look, they found out, much to their shock, that the person in the orb is none other than Alya Cesaire!!! This made Nino worried, how are they going to free Alya? Then, the same crystal that looked like the fox miraculous started glowing in Marinette's pocket, and when she pulled it out, the crystal flew right into the red orb. But unbeknownst to them, the strange floating girl observed them from a distance.

Marinette: Come on! Let's try and find our friends!

Adrien: Alright, here we go!

Nino: Okay!

(They start running)

Tikki: Hey! Wait for us!!

Plagg: Don't leave us behind, you three!

(The two Kwamis follow in pursuit, then after a few minutes of running......)

Tikki: *spots something* Wait, guys!!

Marinette: *to Tikki* What is it, Tikki?

Tikki: I just saw something that's red.

Adrien: What do you mean red? That's already one of your two colors.

Tikki: No, I mean I saw something else that's entirely red!

Nino: I don't know about you guys, but I think we should check out the thing that Tikki just spotted.

Plagg: Yeah, I agree, Nino. *to Tikki* So, where did you see it, Sugarcube?

Tikki: Behind those bushes over there! *pointing to some bushes* Also, for the last time, Plagg, stop calling me sugarcube!

Marinette: Alright, we'll check it out, but then afterward, we need to get back on track.

(They run to the red object that Tikki spotted)

Adrien: What the.....?

Nino: What is this thing?

Marinette: It looks like some kind of orb.

Plagg: I don't know, Marinette. It looks like a cage.

Tikki: If it is, then who's inside it?

Nino: *notices a figure that looks like a human* Wait, there is someone inside it!

Tikki: But who is it, Nino?

Plagg: *looks closer* I don't know, but it looks like........

Marinette: *loooking closer* Wait...... is that.....?

Adrien: *looks closer* Wait..... it's.....!

Everyone: *gasps*

Adrien: Alya...?!

Marinette: Is that you!?

Alya: *inside the orb* Hello? Is someone there? Help me!!!!!

Tikki: Hang on!!

Nino: *obviously worried* How are we going to get her out of there!?

Plagg: Do any of you think that maybe messing with the ruins will fix things?

Marinette: I don't know, but we have to..... *feels something in her pocket* Huh? *pulls out the fox miraculous-like crystal* The crystal.... it's glowing!

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