Ares Island: New skills acquired

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That night, after rescuing Rose from Cyber Space, the group continued walking through the sands of the island, and eventually, they came across a large hole in the ground, and at the bottom, there is a large pond with a floating stone with a chain hooked in the middle of it, and there was also an ancient cannon at one side of it. Heading down there, they all think that they can somehow reel in the chain, and drain the water. Then, they spot a strange missile on another end of the hole they're in. They all (with the exception of Su-Han for obvious reasons) work together to load the missile into the cannon, then they fire the missile at the sloating stone, which in turn, drained the water from the pond, revealing the rest of the way. And from there, they all head to the next Chaos Miraculous after spotting the red beam of light.

(they continued walking, when they came to a large hole in the ground, where there was a large pond at the bottom, then they walked down to the pond via the rocky staircase on one side of it.)

Rose: *seeing the large pond* Hey! Look at that!

Kagami: That pond's huge!

Tikki: *looking at the floating stone* And how is that structure floating?

Marinette: And why is there a chain coming from the bottom os that structure?

Su-Han: *notices that the chain leads to the bottom of the pond* Wait, can you all see the seal in the center of the pond? If we could pull it out, we could drain the water.

Luka: You're right. But the problem is you're still ghost-like, and the rest of us can't breathe underwater.

Adrien: Right, but..... *spots a cannon* Hey, look over there, there's a cannon. Maybe if we can jostle the device holding the chain, maybe we can get it to reel it in?

Plagg: It's worth a shot. But, just don't slip an fall. Neither Tikki or I can haul you guys out.

(then, Marinette spots a missile, and alerts everyone about it)

Marinette: Guys, look! There's a missile!

Kagami: *sees the missile* You're right, Marinette. Hey, maybe if we can load the cannon up, then fire it at the floating stone, the impact can make it reel in the chain?

Luka: That actually might work! Let's try!

(they all head to the missile, then they work together to carry it to the cannon, then they all load it into the cannon, then they fire the missile at the floating stone, and sure enough, the plug retracts, which in turn, drains the water from the pond)

Rose: *seeing the water in the pond being drained* Yes!! It worked!!

Kagami: Now, we can move on!!!

Luka: Come on!!

(then, they all head to the other side of the hole, after all the water is drained obviously)

Marinette: Wait.... was draining the pond the best idea.....?

Su-Han: Well hey, you've all revealed the way forward. That's what's important, Marinette.

Tikki: Says you, Grandmaster. You can't feel this heat.

Rose: *spots a red beam of light* Hey, I'm seeing a red light beam!!

Adrien: Wait, a red light beam? *spots the beam as well, then gasps* Marinette, another vault's been unlocked!!!

Marinette: Wait, really?!

Adrien: Yes, really! Look!! *points to the light beam*

Kagami: What's so important about a beam of light?

Luka: It means that we can get the next Chaos Miraculous.

Plagg: Exactly, come on!!!

(then they start running towards the next vault)

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