4.6 - Off To New

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I could not believe how fast the month of December went by. One birthday was celebrated before we went on vacation for the holidays and the other was spent much the same as last year. Our Christmas tradition happened again when we took the trip to the big cabin we had rented out last Christmas with all of our families. My parents had come down the week after we got back to celebrate Christmas with us. Ashton's mom and dad had sent down presents with mine, even including Ryan and some things for the new babies; even insisting that after the twins were born they would be around to see all of us.

On New Year's night, Ryan and I had counted down on the same porch that he had proposed on. Eleanor was placed on Ryan's hip as we watched the fireworks that were going off. Thankfully the snow hadn't come like it did last year, and we could see them this year. Eleanor and Louie had a blast watching them 

By the middle of January, I was feeling like a huge whale and ready for both babies to be here. Even if they had a couple more months to go, I didn't believe that I would be going to full term. Even my doctor had said that the chance of going all the way to term would be very low. So that's why I sat in bed with my laptop going through every baby name list that I could.

It was way too late to be still up but I wasn't too tired yet. Ryan on the other hand looked like he was about to collapse from exhaustion. He had been doing so much lately but was still giving out baby names while going through his phone. He was partially listening to me and tapping away. I know he didn't like leaving me up alone but it took me forever to get comfortable and even then I would have to pee. So it would start the cycle all over again. And I couldn't watch him doze off and reawaken only a second later anymore.

Closing the laptop had caught Ryan's attention. "It's time for bed. Eleanor will be needing up for school in the morning." This had seemingly relieved him as he had almost chucked his phone onto the bedside table and climbed under the blankets. Giving him a chuckle at his action, I did the same. Moving over in bed to cuddle up to Ryan's side, getting as close as I could.

Before Ryan could fully lose himself in his sleep, I kissed his cheek. "Get some good sleep babe. I love you." His words came out jumbled around a sigh but I knew he was saying it back.

It only felt like I had been asleep for an hour before my alarm was going off. It was time to get Eleanor ready for school. Turning it off quickly so it didn't wake Ryan, I got up with a big stretch followed by a yawn. Making my way down the hall to El's room, I found her rubbing her eyes and looking around.

"Good morning sweetheart. Let's get you in the shower and I'll pick out something cute to wear to school." She nodded her head, obviously still half asleep. I could already tell that this was going to be a long morning.

"Mom, you're pulling my hair," Eleanor whined as I brushed out the curls that seemed to form right after I took her hair out of the towel. Her small hand reached up to grab my arm. I was being as gentle as I could but it still wasn't enough.

"I'm sorry, I'll be more gentle." Figuring I had about thirty seconds before she had a full-blown fit. "Do you want braids or half up?" I asked, grabbing a hair band off the counter. "Just one braid, Mom."

And that was the only thing she gave me time to do. Even if it was a bit sideways, I wasn't about to try and fix it. She was quite cranky this morning. Thankfully she ate her breakfast this morning at a faster pace than she got dressed, and I was able to get her coat and shoes on her with plenty of time to get her to school. If I could find my shoes and coat to put on. 

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