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Eleanor was having a blast today. Ryan had decided to take a small plane down with Brad and Paige, along with their daughter, because it seemed like the most logical thing for us and the girls. Eleanor and Scarlett had sat in the middle of the floor playing with Barbie dolls and a couple of dolls from a show that they both seemed to love. Even the time after getting to the track neither wanted to stop playing with the other. I loved it because it gave El a new friend to play with and helped get her used to being around someone close to the age before I sent her to pre-school.

When we had made it to Ryan's mobile home, he told me he was placing the bags in the bedroom and that we could go and talk with everyone if I wanted.  I figured it would be a nice thing to do, to meet the rest of his friends. I knew he was good friends with Chase and Bubba since he mentioned them both a few times and after our date, I seemingly got a follow request on Instagram from both of them. They both seemed like great friends that I was happy to be meeting. Eleanor on the other hand was unsure of it all.

Eleanor clung to my hip as we walked up to a group of guys and girls that were all lounging around a makeshift party area. There were fold-out chairs and a couch even set out for everyone to sit on. Beers and drinks were in everyone's hands, the dark blue and gray coolers being set off to the side. Ryan immediately sent a smile and hello's to everyone in the group. 

"Hey, guys." He said to the group then stepped to the side to introduce me and Eleanor. I waved and said hello as a list of names was being rattled off. I seemed to know them all from Ryan's stories about them. Chase or as Ryan likes to call him Clyde, Bubba, and his girlfriend Amanda, Daniel, and William.

"Wanna say hi, El?" She shook her head and nuzzled her nose deeper into my shoulder. "She's being shy but this is my daughter Eleanor." It didn't seem to bother anyone that I was a mother to a toddler as they all tried their best to get her to not be shy around them.

"She's adorable," Amanda commented, seeing Eleanor grab onto me even more. She seemed like she was a nice woman and I had already taken a liking to her when Ryan had told me about her. At the way, she sat close to him and how Bubba's eyes traveled to watch her, I took it as if they were both in love with each other and had been together a while. When they all sort of followed me, I made sure not to stalk their Instagram or anything, mainly because I didn't want to seem weird to already know them and everything. 

"Thank you." El peeked her head up just a bit, slowly getting used to the people around her. This was the reason that I wanted to enroll her in the pre-k program. I knew she needed to be around more kids her age to get comfortable. 

By the time everyone parted ways, Eleanor had loved Bubba. He told her jokes and picked on her, making her dimple cheeks turn as red as a tomato. I did take note that when she got embarrassed she didn't run to me,  she went to Ryan and told on Bubba. I loved that she was having fun and enjoying her time.  It was Chase and Daniel who left the group first and then after that it was a domino effect until Ryan asked if we wanted to go get something to eat.

We had let Eleanor decide and it was crazy because she picked Wendy's, saying that she wanted some chicken nuggets. I think she and Sophia had a secret obsession with going and getting lunch here on the days I ask her to babysit for a little bit. Mainly because she likes it so well.

So I couldn't complain because her pick was great and we had a nice time. When it came to paying, Ryan wouldn't even let me pay for the tip. It was extremely sweet. I don't remember the last time I went on a date and the guy paid. Usually they would make an excuse and we'd have to split the bill. Ashton never let me pay for our dates. it was always a thing for him. So seeing that Ryan was just as sweet had me liking him more.

Everything Has Changed //Ryan Blaney//Where stories live. Discover now