Meet Sienna White. A twenty five year old widowed mother to a four year old daughter. After a horrific accident involving her husband of almost a year left her raising a newborn alone, she hasn't even thought of dating again, mainly because no one...
I heard from Ryan several times throughout the week through texts but it wasn't much. Just a few 'hey's' or asking how I was messages. I figured it wouldn't be a lot since he is Ryan Blaney and had to leave Wednesday to be in Delaware for the next race. Though I wasn't letting myself start feeling anything for him, I knew he was handsome. But I couldn't worry about that too much, I had to prepare Eleanor for preschool. It wasn't going to be much of 'school' but I thought enrolling her early would help with her development with socialization. She was starting in just a few days and I still needed to shop for her school clothes and supplies.
Buying her stuff wasn't going to be a problem. Eleanor and I were set with money. Since Ashton's accident was completely the company's fault, the judge ruled that they would have to pay a big sum of money for it, which was cut into monthly payments. I knew that no sum of money would improve the situation, but it helped pay for things we both needed. The shitty part was Eleanor still had to grow up without her father and I hated that for her.
Speaking of Eleanor, she was currently trying to get me to buy her a new doll that she just had to have after watching the commercial for it. "Please, Mommy. I have to have it." Her soft pleas came from beside me. Her tiny hands grabbed at mine to shake them. She was trying her hardest to persuade me. With a smile at her, I answered.
"Okay, sweet girl. Let's go get dressed and then we'll get it for you." Her eyes lit completely up, making my heart flutter seeing her so happy. She was the complete apple of my eye and I was glad to make her this excited.
It took her no less than five seconds to be in her room, stripping from her play clothes and finding something prettier to wear.
"Mommy, I like your pants. Can I wear mine too, like that?" She asked, handing me a shirt before digging back into her closet to see if she could find her flared pants too. When she found them, she tried tugging them on with a bit of struggle. I helped her pull them up before buttoning them and letting her put the white shirt on.
"Now let's fix your hair then Mommy can finish getting ready."
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SiennaWhite : I swear, this little girl loves to match styles with her momma. 💖🥰
With her new doll in her arms, Eleanor peacefully slept in her car seat while I drove to a small clothing store we had been shopping at for a couple of months. If I wasn't mistaken a mother and daughter owned the store. They had some cute clothes for kids and adults along with purses and jewelry. Eleanor just loved the owner, mainly because when we go in she always gets a piece of chocolate candy.
When I pulled into the parking lot, I parked rather close to the front so I didn't have to carry El far. Getting out, I looked at my feet and wished I had worn different shoes. Too late now. Opening the door to the Ford F-150 four-door truck, that Ashton and I had bought right after getting married, I reached in and unhooked the car seat straps, and got Eleanor out. She jolted awake and from then until she got her piece of candy, she was an absolute terror.
Should have taken my own advice and let her get out a full nap before disturbing her.
I had honestly made an effort to send texts to Sienna because I enjoyed talking with her. Work got to be a little much at times and I couldn't pull my phone out to reply to her much but I still would think of her. It didn't bother me so much that she had been married or had her daughter, Eleanor. I was hoping to be friends with her for now. Hell, she might not even be looking for somebody to be in her life like that.
She seemed cool, and I hoped to learn more about her. Through Rogers's papers from Monday's visit, I figured out her last name; then did a little stalking and found her on Instagram. Without much hesitation, I hit the follow button and saw that she had to approve it first. Hopefully, she wouldn't be too weirded out by the fact that I found her on social media. Not even a second after the thought of being a stalker entered my mind, I got a notification that the following request was accepted and that she followed me back.
Once I could, I scrolled through her photos, seeing the one from earlier in the day, and thought it was adorable. Eleanor was probably the cutest dressed kid, I know.
Except for baby Louie.
The further down I scrolled, I saw photos of Eleanor as a newborn, Sienna being pregnant, the many tattoos that adorned her body, and her with a man. It was her deceased husband. I clicked on a few photos, looking at how in love they both looked.
I didn't recognize the feeling I had run through me when I saw the pictures. Maybe it was sorrow because she lost him. Or maybe it was a bit of jealousy because I wanted to be in her life, but I was having a hard time trying to figure it out.
With just a little bit of thought, I pulled up my messages and clicked on her contact. A tap of the call button and I was waiting to hear her voice.
"Hello?" Her voice said, a shrill scream in the background.
"Hey, Sienna. Am I calling at a bad time?" I knew it was getting late but when I got up the courage to call, I didn't want to chicken out just because it was late.
"Hey, Ryan. No, you're okay, Eleanor is just pitching a fit because it's bedtime and she doesn't want to lay down."
I chuckled a bit, hearing the cries continue as Eleanor started calling for her mommy.
"I'll make this quick then so you can get off the phone. I was wondering if Monday night you'd like to go out for dinner or something?" It had been a while since I had asked a girl out and I was hoping that it didn't show in any way when my voice wavered. If she did notice my stumble, she never let on to it.
"I would love to. Why don't you call or message me tomorrow with the details of what time and I'll send you my address if you'd like?" She asked, realizing I didn't know where she lived.
"Sounds great. I'll let you go and do your motherly duties. Bye Sienna."
"Bye Ryan."
After the phone call with Sienna, I lay in bed wondering what I had just gotten myself into. I didn't know much about the woman I had just asked out on a date but I wanted to. She had seemed calm during the weekend and the visit to the shop. I honestly couldn't help but say that she was beautiful.
I was worried that she might not be into the whole dating thing, with her daughter and everything that also comes along with me. Would she be up to be a racer's girlfriend? Would that put too much on her plate? I let the thoughts go through my mind as I tried to drift off to sleep. Knowing that this race wasn't going to be easy for me.
Word Count - 1316
I hope you enjoyed this! Although I'm trying to space things out well and not rush, I also don't want to Dilly-dally on one thing for too long.