0.3 - Ninth

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I must admit, I was quite surprised by Ryan's offer. Did I feel slightly awkward when he introduced Eleanor and me more thoroughly to Joey and Brad- yes but they were both super nice about things and even gave sweet words about Eleanor's shirt and hair. She loved the attention and even was invited to come and play with Brad's daughter Scarlett anytime she would like today. This, of course, was after she mentioned the girl's dolls to him. I felt even more awkward when Ryan insisted on walking to the merchandise hauler to get Eleanor something. As we said goodbye to Joey and Brad, I finally understood why Ashton loved this team like he did. They were a nice set of young men who loved interacting with fans.

"Get whatever you'd like, it's on me." He said, giving the guy who was operating the booth a look. I looked at him, incredulously though. I was shocked that he had been this nice to us and he wasn't even the cause of it.

"Honestly, you don't have to do this," I spoke sheepishly, watching my child tip-top back and forth to see if she liked anything. Ryan stood next to me.

"Your knee okay?" He asked, seeming concerned but I knew it was because he tried to change the subject. I gave a small smile and nodded my head. "It's doing good, still stings but it's nothing I can't handle," I said, subtly referencing the multiple tattoos that adorned my whole body. If I can handle hours sitting under a tattoo needle then a couple of scraped-up knees won't be anything to worry about. He chuckled and agreed.

"You've got some nice tattoos. I like the sleeve you have." He commented, pointing to the tattoo he was talking about. That one went from my wrist to my shoulder, mixing different flowers, and a meaningful design into one cohesive piece. 

"Thanks, I've got so many, I lost count a while ago," I told him honestly. He looked like he wanted to talk more but he was sidetracked by El coming over holding a cute little bear with the number twelve on the feet. She was her momma's child going with the safest option and not going overboard.

"That's not all you want, is it? You are going to be watching the race tomorrow and you got to show your support with a hat and new shirt." Ryan asked Eleanor after just seeing her hold the dark brown bear. She gave him a little nod causing him to look around the trailer. In just seconds he walked around grabbing what he had mentioned along with a few die-cast cars and some flags.

"Can you do me a favor Sunday?" Ryan handed her the hat and me the bag filled with the rest of her new stuff.

"Yeah," Eleanor said, nodding her head. I smiled at her, loving how she was slowly losing her shyness. To think not even thirty minutes ago she was standing as close as she could to me, and now she's smiling and enjoying herself.

"Wear your stuff for me Sunday and give me some good luck."

Eleanor and I watched Roval qualifying with Mason and Sophia the next afternoon. All of us had a large drink beside us, keeping close tabs on how much sun Eleanor was getting. It was a hot and sticky day and I didn't want Eleanor getting sunburnt. Although she was smiling wide and pointing at each car that went by.

 She had her headphones on to protect her little ears, but other than that she had her shirt from yesterday on (because she wanted to cheer for Ryan) and the little hat he got her too. With every point came the question 'Is that Ryan?'. I told her no whenever it wasn't but whenever she heard the yes, she cheered and jumped around. Because I had only seen the car on some of Mason's shirts, last night I had to go and search about Ryan and what his car for this race looked like so I knew what to watch for.

Everything Has Changed //Ryan Blaney//Where stories live. Discover now