1.5 - Wrapped Around

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Ever since the season ended, it felt like time had sped up, the rest of September flew by and the beginning of October had settled in. The leaves from trees had all but clustered around my house, causing the Halloween decorations of spider webs and inflatable monsters to look even more spooky to Eleanor. In the daytime, she was perfectly fine with them but by night she was having either Ryan or I check to make sure her closet and under her bed were safe.

Ryan and I had gotten closer in those few weeks, learning more about each other as he would often stay over. On the off chance that he wasn't around, El and I would accompany Sophia or Erin for a girl's day. Speaking of Erin, Eleanor took to Ryan's family much like she had with him. She especially loved Louie, he was an oddity to her as she had never really been around a baby before but boy did she want to hold him a lot. I was too nervous in the beginning to let her but when she did, she was great. Lisa and Dave loved El, claiming that she was even more hyper and rambunctious than any of the other three ever was. I loved that Ryan's family had taken so well to El and me, and I knew that my mom and dad would love Ryan.

Levi, my dad, had been into Nascar long before I was born, having been a fan of Jeff Gordon for the longest time, when he retired I never figured out who he went with next. My mom Grace had only become a fan because of him. I wasn't into the sport growing up and because I was an only child, my dad only had his friends to enjoy it with. That was until I met Ashton. My dad and I would talk non-stop about it.

I had a pretty good feeling that my dad and Ryan would get on well.

"So how long is the trip?" Ryan asked, placing some of the bags in the back of his truck. He had a cover for his truck bed, that being the main reason we decided to take him; it provided more space for us during the journey that morning. It had barely passed seven am, the sky still a little bit dark, as we filled to remember everything.

"Around four to five hours. Depending on how many stops we make. If Eleanor sleeps through most of it, then we won't have to stop so many times." I said as I was hooking up El's booster seat in the back seat.

"That's not too bad." He said, coming around the side to see what else needed to be done. "No, it's not honestly. I just hate going through the mountains. They always used to make me car sick. I've got some motion sickness medicine for El and me to take before we leave." I said, remembering that I had them sitting on the counter beside my purse.

"I'll go and get El, you grab whatever little things you need then we'll get on the road."


I hadn't realized that Sienna was serious when she said she hated the mountains until she said that we had to pull over as we were coming across one, just about an hour away from her hometown.

"Mommy okay?" Eleanor asked, craning her head to see where Sienna had walked off to. "She's just a little sick. She'll be fine in a minute or so." I turned in my seat, trying to get her attention. It worked as she had started asking me about the trees along the other side of the road.

"Sorry about that, just a little motion sickness." She said climbing back into her seat, grabbing her bottle of water, and taking a drink of it. She also reached into her purse pulled out a pack of gum, unwrapped two sticks, and chewed them.

"You sure?" I asked, hearing Eleanor ask her mom if she was okay. "I'm okay, just felt sick. We're almost out of the mountains anyway and then it shouldn't take long to get there." She said, sending her daughter a smile as she grabbed at my hand to squeeze it.

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