1.7 - Halloween

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Each morning that we were at Sienna's parent's house, my mind would wander back to the second day of our trip. I hadn't expected that type of confession from her, especially whenever she had been so open with me about everything else. Nothing of her truth made me upset, or even the fact that she waited so long to tell me; everyone deserves the right time to say things that are bothering them. No, it wasn't anything like that that had me thinking so much, it was the fact that if all these bad things hadn't happened, I wouldn't be in her life, or Eleanor's for that matter. 

That first night, I dreamed about a little boy crying in a crib. I never saw his face or anything but I could see the blue blanket, that I had immediately recognized as the one folded over the back of my couch, hanging from the side. Just seeing what my subconscious dreamed up, had me staying up most of the nights that we were there. It was crazy to be thinking that way but it was an every night thing, where I would lay in bed until the early hours and think about kids and marrying Sienna. Then I would try to tell myself that it was way too early for anything like that, crazy even to think about Sienna in a white wedding gown; that wasn't the image I had seen in various pictures on her Instagram.

With all of this, I just needed to take a few hours to get my bearing back in line. Don't get me wrong, I want all of that with Sienna (even if it's still only two months into this relationship) but I don't want to scare her away with anything. So today Chase and I decided to go into town to pick a present for Eleanor's birthday. We hadn't had a chance to catch up in a couple of weeks and I wanted to talk about all of these thoughts that I was having. And since Bubba was in a different country enjoying some beach time, I only had Chase to talk with at the moment.

"So what do little girls like? Dolls, makeup?" Chase asked as we walked down an aisle with a bunch of different brands of dolls and Barbies.

I had to chuckle at how clueless he was with it but then remembered that I would have said the same thing so many months ago. My smile faded a bit as I thought about that sentence. I never would have thought that I'd be in the kid's toy aisle, especially looking at dolls at the beginning of the year. I figured I would have been a regular twenty-four-year-old out and living a single life.

"She likes dolls, they seem like the safest bet. Sienna usually lets her play with her makeup a couple of times a month, and I wouldn't even know where to start there. I was thinking of getting her one of these dollhouses and maybe a playhouse for the inside. She's been asking for one since the last time I brought her to the store." I pointed to a bright pink box with the picture of the one I was thinking of getting.

"Damn, when did you become Daddy Blaney? Shopping for El, basically living with Sienna anymore. I never thought I'd see the day." He joked, smacking my shoulder.  I could tell he was quite curious about how this all happened the last couple of weeks, but knowing that he was just as whipped for the five-year-old as I was. During the last few times Sienna brought Eleanor to the tracks, Chase would always be playing with her or taking her around the shop. That is when she wants with us or is being picked on by Bubba.

"Is it a bad thing? You don't think I'm moving this too fast, do you?" I didn't realize how frantic it sounded until I saw the look he gave me. Retracting his words, he spoke

"To me, it's not, you two are good together. You guys met for a reason, and there's no denying that there's love between you two. She's exactly what you needed and you're exactly what they needed. So no, I don't think it's a bad thing, you're relationship is different. She already had Eleanor, and you love her just as if she was yours. That's something that I'm so proud of you for. Besides, I get to be the cool uncle to Eleanor no matter what and sneak her candy and chocolate then pass her along to you two once she gets hyper." He finished with a large grin. I thought back to a couple of times when it had been past midnight and Sienna had still been up with her. Now I knew why.

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